==== Punk & Haus Punk ==== {{vimeo>200624134?670x503}} . In the first part of the video, apparently an appearance by: **Verbal Assault**. At least that's what it says on the patches, which are sold for 20 shillings in the video. The event took place in cooperation with the KAPU in the former venue of Stadtwerkstatt, at that time at Friedhofstraße 6. From the **KAPU**-History in **Hillinger**: " ... on October 5th 87 'we' moved to the STADTWERKSTATT, where some great gigs took place, for example with the famous VERBAL ASSAULT, who wrote with 'More than music' one of their definitive 'hymns' for the Hc scene." From minute 14:18 in the video a mixed group (combo) of musicians from the house and the surroundings of STWST & KAPU. Camera: ??? ---- back to: [[en:history:video/fundus|{{:history:video_site:sujetes:video_archiv_fundus.png?210|}}]]