{{:sujet_howdy_oeberoesterreich_linzertorte.jpg?800|}} **Howdie, Oberösterreich!** How else should you greet each other in this country? Upper Austria, place of joy - where wet prairie dreams of provincial cowboys and cowgirls come true. According to its own information, also home to the largest cowboy museum and associated festivities in Europe. Mad. A festival for all those who like to play 'cowboys and Indians'. It's all in good fun and nothing to it. In June and September of this year, the two researchers Chantal Proll and Liane Smith will follow in the footsteps of colonial transfiguration, men's tales and horse apples. How do the natives react when the two make them the object of observation in their natural habitat, the Cowboy Museum in Linz-Pichling? What bizarre creatures in chaps, sported boots and hats await the two researchers on their anthropological journey into the dark abysses of Wild West reenactment? \\ **Chantal Proll & Liane Smith** **Howdie, Oberösterreich!** Reenactment and 2-part residency on the ship Eleonore 1st phase:15.-19. June 2022 2nd phase: 22.-25. September 2022 **At a later date, the researchers Proll & Smith will present a report in words and pictures.**