[[en:projects: STWST 2025 FOG MANIFESTO]] / Jahresclaim 2025
**The Stadtwerkstatt's annual claim is FOG MANIFESTO.** With this, we are thematising critical continuities and foggy, disorientated works between theory and artistic practice.
Including [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/stwst_2025_fog_manifesto|FOG MANIFESTO Open Call]].
[[en:projects: STWST 2025 NOPE MANIFESTO]] / Jahresclaim 2025
The Stadtwerkstatt's annual claim is NOPE MANIFESTO. The planned title of the STWST programme for Ars in September is FOG FIEBER. With this, we are thematising critical contiguities and foggy, disorientated works between theory and artistic practice. Including open calls.
**The continuous New Art Context project tracks follow:**
{{anchor:STWST 2024 KANN WEG}}
[[en:projects:STWST 2024 KANN WEG]] / Annual Claim 2024
**Annual claim 2024:** Let's ask it like this: Was the cleaner who removed Beuys' fat corner in the 1980s actually right? We, the STWST, want to target things that can be removed in 2024. And actually ask what can stay.
[[en:projects:STWST 2023 COLD RESISTANCE]] / Annual Claim 2023
ANNUAL CLAIM 2023: COLD RESISTANCE settles between minus art, tech anarchia, meltdown and climate catastrophe, between the cool criticism of the mind and the resistant world of retreat. Outside: Smash! Inside: Lying in bed and being critical!
[[STWST 2022 UNTER DEN ZUSTÄNDEN]] / Annual Claim 2022
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Finally, yes, Mesdames et Messieurs!
**We are: Under the Circumstances. MTBA Soon**
{{anchor:MMXIX - 40 Jahe STWST - STAY UNFINISHED}}
[[en:projects:MMXIX – 40 Jahre STWST – STAY UNFINISHED]] / 2019
Founded in 1979, Stadtwerkstatt will be in 2019 - 40 years. STWST's annual claim for 2019 is "Stay Unfinished". It's about looking at the art of the past and the projects of today. It's about history and the present, it's about process, transformation, becoming - it's about looking ahead. **We remain unfinished. Against the finished ones.**
{{anchor:prosecco city of media arts}}
[[:en:projects:Prosecco City of Media Arts]] / 2018
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**Is drinking Prosecco already Media Art?** In 2018, while Official Linz was celebrating the Unesco City of Media Arts, Stadtwerkstatt proclaimed the PROSECCO CITY OF MEDIA ARTS. A campaign on event culture and the inflationary use of the term Media Art. In 2018 ... We were so Prosecco!
Picture: Rainer Zendron - Frühstück in der Kurve.
[[:en:projects:Efeu Ex]] / 2012 - ongoing
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**IVY EX XTD is an installation on the facade** of STWST. The installation thematises growing nature, water circulation, a steampunk machine, a system of a pneumatic machine, entropy, technology and questions of information. The idea of a technical WILD IVY growing over the house of STWST was already born in 1991, before the internet started to change our lifes with the World Wide Web. EFEU EX was launched in 2015. Since then, the façade installation has been repeatedly expanded - 2024 with a Razzle-Dazzle element on the building and a creeping light installation that runs thematically throughout the building.
[[:en:projects:infolab:start]] / 2013 - ongoing
[{{::boltzmannformel_kl.jpg?300 |2012 Cafe Strom: The Boltzmann formula as a reference to life in nature}}]
**The Infolab is a laboratory in a cosmological context** and researches new definitions of information technology. When dealing with information, technology is not the only important thing; technology has shaped our culture and is the engine of evolution. Aim is to look at the concept of information from an artistic perspective in order to create a new perspective. Through the art context, the concept of information can deviate from the information theory concept of Claude Shannon. The Infolab has been in existence since 2012, with the aim of further enabling autonomy and creativity in a global information society.
{{anchor:Mycelium Network Society}}
[[en:projects:Mycelium Network Society:start]] / 2017 - ongoing
**Mycelium Network Society (MNS)** is a Stadtwerkstatt (Linz, Austria) and cycleX (Andes, New York) initiative to connect rhizomic mycelium network nodes. The MNS thematizes mushrooms, spores and mycelia as artistically intended, alternative information networks.
Image: mushroom@cycleX (2019) by Erwin Carl
{{anchor:No Architects}}
[[:en:projects:No Architects]] / ongoing
**No Architects** refers to the spontaneous, the living, the wild. //No Architects// is the recurring motto of Stadtwerkstatt, because here is the potential of creativity, for new spaces and projects between art, nature, information and social issues. It is about planning and wild growth, about freedom in ideas and about improvisation.
[[:en:projects:Quasikunst:start]] / 2014 - ongoing
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**Dichotomies, contradictions. Contexts that question other contexts. All Opposites inclusive.**
Quasikunst at STWST48x2 (2016) was defined as: „… a research initiative, conceived for Stadtwerkstatt. Quasikunst in its research mode positions itself in Stadtwerkstatts New Art Contexts. And although being apparently “low-tech”-oriented, Quasikunst arranges systemic constants of technology and art. Connection to [[New Context Staging]]
[[:en:projects:gibling:start|Gibling]] / 2012 - ongoing
{{:projects:gibling:1er_rueck_000078.jpg?300nolink |}} **Art as Currency, currency as art:** The Gibling started in 2012 and is a community currency, similar to a regional currency. On the other hand, the Gibling is an art project on its own. Each year the banknotes are designed by a new artist. In the interplay of art and currency the Gibling is building an own art collection. The Editions of the last Years - 2022: Franz XAVER, 2023: Tina Kult, 2024: Art Discount 24.
-> [[http://punkaustria.at]]
[[:en:projects:STWST48]] / 2015 - ongoing
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**STWST48 is a 48-hour non-stop festival in September**. STWST48 presents results from the Infolabs, from formats of Stadtwerkstatts art production, of local and international artists, of Quasikunst, and also the results of the Residencies of the artists that take place on the Eleonore during the summer. The artists are present at the time of STWST48 in Linz. STWST48 takes place parallel to the Ars Electronica and is carried out as a coop with AEC.
[[https://projects.stwst.at/stwst48/ | STWST48 / 2015]] - Crashing the Info
[[http://stwst48x2.stwst.at/ | STWST48x2 / 2016]] - Non Stop. Not Comply
[[http://stwst48x3.stwst.at/|STWST48x3 / 2017]] - MIND LESS
[[https://stwst48x4.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x4 / 2018]] - SLEEP
[[http://stwst48x5.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x5 / 2019]] - STAY UNFINISHED
[[https://stwst48x6.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x6 / 2020]] - MORE LESS
[[https://stwst48x7.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x7 / 2021]] - OUT OF MATTER
[[https://stwst48x8.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x8 / 2022]] - DEEP
[[https://stwst48x9.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x9 / 2023]] - COLD HEAVEN
[[https://stwst48x10.stwst.at/en/intro|STWST48x10 / 2024]] - NOPE
[[deckdock|Deckdock]] / 2009 - ongoing
86 Meter Riverbank in the Center of Linz - Close to the Nibelungenbrücke
* [[Impressions]]
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/mobile_hybride_biberburg|Mobile hybride Biberburg 2023]]
* [[Kopfschnittgalerie - Wildfrucht 2022]]
* [[Winterlände Dunkellände 2021]]
* [[Notnoponton 2021 - Under the Grid]]
* [[NOTNOPONTON 2019]]
* [[Reouzeri 2018]]
* [[https://projects.stwst.at/cinetraktori/|Cine Traktori 2017]]
* [[https://www.facebook.com/zurreuselinz/?ref=br_rs|MEME 2017]]
* [[https://projects.stwst.at/4040caorle/|4040 Caorle 2016]]
* [[https://projects.stwst.at/karkatag/|karkatag 2016]]
* [[https://ourdjudju.wordpress.com/|Dju Dju 2015]]
* Reuse 2014
* [[http://dorninger.servus.at/soundart/Beyond4/|Beyound the Water 2014]]
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/deckdock|More earlier DeckDock-Projects]]
* [[http://stwst48x2.stwst.at/informing_the_water|Boje - Surf and Inform the Water 2016 ongoing]]
* Boje - Die Unterwassercam.
* [[https://projects.stwst.at/stwst48/the-eel-hotel-by-donautik-2/|Boje - Das Aalhotel 2015 ongoing]]
* [[projects:naturierung:start|Naturierung 2012]]
* Weidenbank 2010 - 2013
* [[projects:neuland:start|Neuland 2009]]
* Pollererichtung - MS Wissenschaft - MS Negrelli
[[:projects:donautics:start|DoNAUtics doNOWtic ]] / 2011 - ongoing
**Art after "New Media".** \\ Donautics is a group of artists, boat people and programmers who are working on and with vessels. Vessels/island have to be intependend and and work autonomously. This vessels could be seen as islands in our global world of information.
[[https://donautics.com/by/eleonore/projekte/riverbank_buffet|You Are What You Eat - Julian Stadon, Philipp Kolmann]]
[[https://donautics.com/eleonore/projekte/menu2021|DoNAUtics Programm 2021]]
[[:en:projects:air:start|Artists In Residence]] / 2011 - ongoing
Each year we invite up to 6 artists to come to a boat in the Linzer harbour.
* **2019** [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/air/2019|Bianca Ludewig - Theorist on Residence]]
* **2018** [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/eb/projects/air/2018|First Residencies on River Traun]]
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en:projects:air:mycelium_network_society | Mycelium Network Society]] - @Eleonore 2017; taro, Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver
* [[http://air.stwst.at/eleonore16/start|Radio Active]] - @Eleonore 2016 Shu Lea Cheang
* [[https://projects.stwst.at/karkatag/|Karkatag kolektiv]] - @Stadtwerkstatt 2016
* [[http://air.stwst.at/infodetox/|infoDETOX Residence, Linz]] - @ Eleonore 2015 curated by Shu Lea Cheang
* [[http://donautics.stwst.at/lab/softhardwet|THE SOFT, THE HARD & THE WET Residence]], Linz - @ Eleonore 2014 curated by Shu Lea Cheang
* [[http://donautics.stwst.at/lab/fieldworks|FIELDWORKS Residence]], Linz - Fieldwork Labs - @ Eleonore 2013 [[http://donautics.stwst.at/content/fieldwork-von-der-medienkunst-zu-critical-making-curators-statement-von-armin-medosch|Curators Statment by Armin Medosch]]
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/air/start|More earlier Eleonore-Residecies]]
* [[http://donautics.stwst.at/lab/horizon-labs|HORIZON Residence, Linz]] (artists and new media actors) - HORIZON Labs - @ Eleonore 2009/10/11/12 curated by Franz Xaver
* [[http://donautics.stwst.at/floating-bodies-labs|FLOATING BODIES & SPACE Residence, Linz- Floating Bodies & Space Labs]] - @ Eleonore 2012/13 curated by Tanja Brandmayr Text: [[http://donautics.stwst.at/lab/story/if-i-were-boat-curators-statement|If I were a Boat - Curators Statement]]
* [[http://donautics.stwst.at/content/air-sailingboad-junix-amsterdam|JUNIX Residence, Amsterdam]] (artists and new media actors)- m-dam Labs - @ Junix 2011/12/13 curated by Franz Xaver
{{anchor:Lower East Site}}
[[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/lower_east_site#les_mobil|Lower East Site]] / since 2017
**4040 LOWER EAST SITE - a project for urban expansion.** As an extension, the Danube area opens up from Stadtwerkstatt to the Salonschiff Florentine, and the whole area will be branded under 4040 LOWER EAST SITE in September for the first time. LOWER EAST SITE is a cooperation between Stadtwerkstatt and Salonschiff Florentine, presented first [[http://stwst48x3.stwst.at/en:4040_lower_east_site |during STWST48x3]].
-> [[http://lowereastsite.com]]
{{anchor:Treffpunkt Afrika und CINÉMA AFRICAIN!}}
[[Treffpunkt Afrika und CINÉMA AFRICAIN!]] / 2010 - ongoing
**"Treffpunkt Afrika" is a biennial format** that has already been implemented in 2010, 2012 and 2014. It will also take place in Sept 2018. Stadtwerkstatt has a multidisciplinary approach with concerts, film screenings and the heart of the festival - a high-caliber symposium.
{{anchor:STWST als öffentlicher Raum}}
[[STWST als öffentlicher Raum]] / November 2017 - ongoing
The STWST takes up the issue of "publicity and displacement", which LINZimPULS has launched. In the public areas of the STWST, it is to be noted that the problems of society as a whole are not only clearly visible here, but that the repressions that are happening elsewhere in the city have increasingly had to be absorbed in recent years. From November 2017 onwards, the STWST declares the public areas of the house to the research zone with the working title "Die Stadtwerkstatt as Public Space". **Everything gone well so far.**
{{anchor:New Context Staging}}
[[New Context Staging]] / November 2017 - ongoing
New Context Staging in 2018 is a format, that seeks to accommodate contemporary performative trends, as it enriches with a special approach of Stadtwerkstatts New Art Contexts. New Context Staging settles per se in progressive directions, as it sees itself underpinned by several aspects of STWST.
[[Veranstaltungen]] / ongoing
In addition to music events and readings, various formats are **continuously developed and organized in an art context and for current political reasons**. Here are some examples: From **Pimmel, Porn, Protest** to the perennial festival series **Treffpunkt Afrika** to the ongoing project **The Stadtwerkstatt as Public Space**. Also a selection of individual events and series in cooperation with STWST Club.
[[https://newcontext.stwst.at/tools/announce-all#aktuelle_veranstaltung|ALL NEW ART CONTEXT EVENTS]].
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/werkstatt_nr_2|Werkstatt Nr 2]]
* [[Pimmel Porn Protest]]
* [[OÖ - Vom Heimatgau des Führers zur Modellregion der extremen Rechten]]
* [[Lesung Erwin Riess - Donaupiraten]]
* [[Netzpolitischer Abend]]
* [[Vorträge und Küchentischgespräche]]
* [[Theater am Hof]]
* [[Liebstöckl und Söhne]]
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en:discursive-media:berthold_seliger|Berthold Seliger]]
* [[http://newcontext.stwst.at/en/lesung_stephan_roiss_installation_februar_null_fang_den_berg|Februar Null]]
* [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/innenraum_lavinia|Innenraum Lavinia]]
* [[Performance "Aufrüsten"]]
Regular Events
* [[https://club.stwst.at/|Club]]
* [[https://strom.stwst.at/|Cafe Strom]]
[[:en:projects:STWST Webshop]] / ongoing
The ** Stadtwerkstatt-Webshop ** with a basic sortiment of STWST's Classics: Wrenches, No Architects and Rare-and Exclusive-Shirts.