==== Tina Kult - Gibling 2023 ==== **The twelfth issue of Gibling** shows a series of portraits of undercover people and the deconstruction of their spaces. The images thematise excessive demands, isolation as well as the meaning of community in a society marked by individualism and alienation. The exhausted human being takes the place of historical or cultural representation on banknotes and thus becomes a landmark and symbol itself. In the ruins of a past order, questions arise about new forms of relationship and cohesion. - {{:projects:gibling:1-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:gibling:1-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30_2.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:gibling:2-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:gibling:2-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30_2.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:gibling:5-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:gibling:5-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30_2.jpg?400nolink|}} /* {{:projects:gibling:1-gibling_2023_vorne.jpg?400|}} {{:projects:gibling:1-gibling_2023_hinten.jpg?400|}} {{:projects:gibling:2-gibling_2023_vorne.jpg?400|}} {{:projects:gibling:2-gibling_2023_hinten.jpg?400|}} {{:projects:gibling:5-gibling_2023_vorne.jpg?400|}} {{:projects:gibling:5-gibling_2023_hinten.jpg?400|}} */ **As always, the new community currency** can be exchanged in **1, 2 and 5 notes** at Cafe Strom, at the Gibling machine in the Lichthof and at Punkaustria. And: The new art investment of the Gibling Edition is also **available with a 1, 2, 5 and 500 note for € 500 per art edition**. - {{:projects:gibling:500-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:gibling:500-gibling_webrgb_2023-05-30_2.jpg?400nolink|}} /* {{:projects:gibling:500-gibling_2023_vorne.jpg?400|}} {{:projects:gibling:500-gibling_2023_hinten.jpg?400|}} */ //**Tina Kult,**// geboren 1991 in Semipalatinsk/KAZ, ist eine in Wien lebende und arbeitende Medienkünstlerin. Sie ist Mitbegründerin des Kollektivs T(n)C. Ihre Arbeiten beschäftigen sich mit soziokulturellen Morphologien und sozialen Strukturen und reflektieren ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Konzepte zu Produktivität, Arbeit und (Selbst-)Fürsorge. www.tinakult.com, www.tnctnctnc.com **More Informations, all Punk-Notes,** and a list of all partners: [[http://punkaustria.at|punkaustria.at]]. Kontakt: office@punkaustria.at, office@stwst.at \\ Back to [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/gibling/start|Gibling Start]].