==== Information works in the field of truth and fiction ==== We create truth about a blockchain of the Stadtwerkstatt in context to our currency Gibling. The name of the blockchain is therefore givecoin. Blockchain started in 2013 with the first mining clients. Later, a new Blockchain was born, which also bears the name Givecoin - please do not confuse it. Algorythm is a proof of work - SHA256. New clients have been added as nodes to the mining software (~ .givecoin / givecoin.conf) since 2017. Your password will be generated when the software starts for the first time. The software is tested under Linux. and you can download it here. {{ :projects:givecoin.tar.gz |}} server=1 daemon=1 listen=1 rpcuser=givecoinrpc rpcpassword= rpcallowip= rpcconnect= rpcport=9527 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= == Starting the client command line == ~/givecoin/binaries/linux/givecoind start mining: ~/givecoin/binaries/linux/givecoind setgenerate true Check your givecoins: ~/givecoin/binaries/linux/givecoind get balance