===== What is Infolab ===== **[[:en:projects:infolab:labs_in_artcontext:start|Labs in art]]** === Searching for Intellectual Positions in the Digital Age === In addressing the challenges of the digital age, art plays a central role. It not only provides an aesthetic perspective but also enables a critical reflection on the foundations of information processing. Therefore, we should stop viewing art solely through the lens of the technically defined concept of information as outlined by Claude Shannon in his classical Information Theory—the very foundation upon which today’s internet is built. This perspective is one-sided and severely limits our imagination for the future. For this reason, we advocate for the development of a Theory of Complex Information, which extends beyond purely rational and calculable aspects. Our current information society is in crisis, while few seem actively engaged in seeking alternative approaches. The Infolab of the Stadtwerkstatt takes on this challenge, exploring new perspectives and approaches for dealing with different forms of information. We are not solely guided by Shannon's model of information transmission, which primarily focuses on efficiency and technical precision. Instead, we adopt a cosmological perspective, inspired by John Archibald Wheeler’s concept of “It from Bit”. This idea opens up a new way of understanding: seeing information not merely as a data flow but as a fundamental element of reality itself. In this expanded perspective lies the key to shaping digital transformation in a more creative and holistic manner. \\ [{{:projects:infolab:infolab_formel_sms_kl.png?880|Internet kill your Soul. With various setups and actions we want to point out the necessity of an irrational information theory for a new IT.}}] \\ === What means Complex Information === Our current IT systems are fundamentally shaped by Shannon’s Information Theory, which focuses on information channels and "logically correct" conclusions. While efficient, this approach ultimately constrains individuality and creativity. What we need is a new paradigm—Complex Information. Similar to how complex numbers function in mathematics, information content could consist of both a real and an imaginary component. This means that anything perceived by human consciousness inherently has both a real and a complex aspect. For example, an apple is still an apple, but it also carries an imaginary component, one that is perceived differently by each individual. It is "an apple plus something unknown." Such methods are not foreign to mathematics. Complex numbers are already applied in fields like quantum mechanics and electrical engineering, where the interplay of real and imaginary components is essential to understanding deeper principles. Adopting a similar approach in information technology could open new dimensions for more intuitive, adaptive, and human-centered systems. \\ === At the Crossroads from Second to Third Nature === In what we call the Second Nature, evolution learned to process information. Genetic material became the storage medium for inherited traits, enabling the continuous development of life. The real component of information evolved through human communication and the natural laws governing our world. Humans built information-processing machines, developing a digital abstraction capacity that advanced far more rapidly in the real dimension of information than in its imaginary component. This one-sided focus laid the foundation for what we now call the Third Nature. In this Third Nature, digital machines reference themselves, creating a self-contained, algorithm-driven reality. Emotional and subjective decision-making no longer matters; it has no space in a system governed purely by logical computation and real-valued information. The human experience, with its complex emotional layers, risks being sidelined in this emerging digital reality unless we reconsider how information is defined and processed. [{{ :projects:infolab_firmament.gif?400 | Flammarion's wood engraving 1888 - unknown Artist}}] \\ Our History: [[/en/history/start | 45 Year of autonoumous work with anaolg and digital media]] \\ ==== WORK of infolab now ==== **2024 [[https://fax.priv.at/rotting_apple|Rotting Apple 2.0]] **2024 Oktober: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8645Z8uE37k&list=PLjuPw9rhjgVIoAi9SiGWgVjeYSScnQlei|Start Youtube podcasts in german]] **2024 Gespräch mit [[https://fax.priv.at/infolab/audio/01_themen_der_kunst| der KI über die Notwendigkeit von polymerer Information]] **2024 At [[https://stwst48x10.stwst.at/wurzel_minus_1_shop|STWST48x10]]: Root off minus 1 shop and a text about the [[:en:projects:infolab:wurzel-1hemden1.pdf | necessity of complex information processing]] **2024 [[https://fax.priv.at/beacons/|Radio Beacon, new Shedules at 3cm, 11m 40m Band]] **2024 [[:en:projects:infolab:gpt3:kunstthemen|Conversation with GPT3 resulting in dual and polymeric information]] **2024 [[:projects:radiotopia:la_general|Radiotopia Paris 13.4.2024]] **2023 [[:en:projects:infolab:gpt3:chat|Patterns of our society - Chat with GPT3 about the topic of Infolab]] **2022 [[:en:projects:radiotopia:start|Radiotopia MS Stubnitz Hamburg]] **2021/2022 [[:en:projects:gibling:start|Gibling as an NFP]] - [[https://s.stwst.at/nfp/|Non-Fungible Picture]] **2020-2021 [[:en:projects:infolab:freie_information|Free Information needs free Media]] **2020 [[en:projects:infolab:komplexe_info:d3natur|The third Nature]] and [[en/projects/infolab/komplexe_info/komplex_interferenzen|Interferences of the unknown]] ** **2020 [[https://fax.priv.at/fax.priv.at/beacons/index_e.html|signals of life]] **2020 [[https://donowtik.com|The Rotting Apple]] **2020 Interferenzen: [[https://codex4art.com|Fugues in rational numbers 1986- ]] und [[https://i.ung.at|Fugues in komplex Numbers]] **2020 Amro 2020 Video -Vapour source of chaos [[https://vimeo.com/420216867|Amazon - Heart of the World]] **2019 STWST48x5 - [[en/projects/infolab/projekte/konkaves_sandloch|The concave sand hole]]** **2019 [[en/projects/infolab/eco_system|Our own ECO-SYstem]] [[https://punkaustria.at|From Gibling]] to [[https://givecoin.cash| XGiveCoin]] - [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/infolab/projekte/der_givecoin_-_der_xgivecoin_26.2.2019|Event Cryptocurrencies]]** ** 2018 [[https://mns.stwst.at|Mycelium Network Society (MNS)]] ----- [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/tools/stwst_goes_biennale_taipeh|at Biennale Taipeh]]** **2018 [[http://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/aug-31-2018-1013/nothing-something-english|From Nothing to Something - Space Time Entanglement]] [[http://ung.at/wiki|Lindabrunn]] und [[https://stwst48x4.stwst.at/infolab|STWST48x4 Linz]] **2017 [[:en:projects:infolab:projekte:info_wahrheit|The Blockchain - constructed truth]]** **since 2017 [[http://ung.at:8000|Infolab Streaming Server]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb8OVkxbXi-QSf4LDJDZM5w/videos| Youtube LIVE Channel]]** **[[https://informationlaboratory.org|Infolab vs Digital Physics]]** Sept2017 **[[https://ung.at/wiki|From Nothing to Something - convergence to zero by fx 1986-2017]] Sept 2017** **[[https://newcontext.stwst.at/!stwst48x3/digital_physics|Infolab 2017 - Digital Physics Nonstop Videotalks bei stwst48x3.stwst.at]]** sept 2017 **[[https://transmediale.de/content/a-network-of-spores|Mycelium Network Society 2017 Transmediale - ongoing]]** **[[http://stwst48x2.stwst.at/myco-logick|Special handling of information by mushrooms 2016- ongoing]]** **[[:projects/infolab/ghostradio| The Infolab Radioshow each third thusday on air at ]][[http://fro.at|Radio FRO]] ** **[[https://newcontext.stwst.at/!stwst48x3/digital_physics|Infolab 2017 - stwst48x3.stwst.at]] ** **[[http://stwst48x2.stwst.at/myco-logick|Pilze als Informationsträger 2016- ongoing]]** **[[http://stwst48x2.stwst.at/informing_the_water|Surf and Inform the Water 2016- ongoing]]** **[[https://projects.stwst.at/stwst48/ghostradio-by-markus-decker-pamela-neuwirth-and-franz-xaver/|Ghostradio 2016]]** **[[http://7067.stwst.at|7067 Its not a Test - INFOLAB 2016- ongoing]]** **[[https://projects.stwst.at/stwst48/the-eel-hotel-by-donautik-2/|Das Aalhotel 2015]]** **[[:projects:infolab:schattenlabs:|Schattenlaboratorien]]** **[[https://transmediale.de/content/a-network-of-spores|Mycelium Network Society 2017 Shu Lea Cheang - ongoing]]** **[[https://2017.transmediale.de/content/mycelium-network-society|Mycelium Network Society auf der Transmediale 2017]]** [[http://air.stwst.at|Artists in Residence]] - [[http://mns.stwst.at|The Mycelium Network Society 2016]] === Nonstop Screening of Infolabs === The term "Digital Physics" partially coincides with the thinking models of the Infolabs to make these ideas accessible to the public, we run a video clip in the room of http://servus.at 3 weeks (from 20.8 to 10.9) with the following [[http://www.informationlaboratory.org/infolab_videoclub.html|Programm]] or check our [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb8OVkxbXi-QSf4LDJDZM5w|Infolab Youtube channel]] === The autonomous information network on ships === Ships are islands, they offer autonomous structures. That's why we work a lot on ships. We have been working on ways to reflect the Internet for several years. In order to get an observer status on this powerful information network you have to be able to disconnect yourself from the system. We try that with our own autonomous information network. The first experiments started in 2006. [[https://xav.net/druck/abt11.pdf|2011 Armin Medosch wrote a text about it]]. In 2016 we extended our experiments with SlowScanTv from our ship in Linz. From this followed the information network [[http://7067.stwst.at | "7067 -Its not a Test"]]. Based on image transfers, an alternative information network was created. Due to technical and content developments, however, bandwidth of the information network has been further reduced in order to achieve higher ranges. Milestones were developed in 2016/2017 to make this network accessible to everyone. * Lowering bandwidth with the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSPR_(amateur_radio_software)| WSPR Technology]] * Using the non-public frequency 7040khz to understand the propagation conditions of the transmitter * The Future: Use the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSJT_(amateur_radio_software) | JT65 Technology]] to establish your own rapport system. * The goal: Change to the publicly accessible [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cb_radio | CB Radio Frequencies 27 Mhz]] [[http://funkfeuer.de|More Work with independent networks you kan see at - Funkfeuer.de]]