**1.02.2025, 21:00** ====Linkswalzer-Workshop==== in cooperation with WurstvonHund-Ball Maindeck {{:projects:poster_lww_png.png?600nolink|}} On **February 1st** the Stadtwerkstatt, Radio Fro & servus.at present, in cooperation with WurstvonHund-Ball, a **Linkswalzer-Workshop** on the Maindeck in front of Stadtwerkstatt. **From 9.00 pm on** the demanding dance is instructed – Come and join in, be there and celebrate the joys of diversity with us! //You are cordially invited to come by. We look forward to your visit!// \\ === The 1st of February in detail === **Demo: Right-wing extremists out** The alliance //Linz gegen Rechts// invites you to the demo. Specifically: //Right-wing extremists out of the state government - No to the right-wing extremist Burschenbundball//. Demo start: 17:30 at the Maindeck. **WurstvomHundBall** In the evening, the completely sold-out //WurstvomHundBall// will take place in the Stadtwerkstatt. Doors, for all those who have a ticket: 19.30. In the Clubwurst: 23:00. Don't be afraid of diversity! [[https://wurstvomhundball.at/| WurstvonHund-Ball]] **Left Waltz Workshop** And: STWST, Radio Fro and servus.at present a //Left Waltz Workshop// at the square outside the Stadtwerkstatt, from 21:00. Come and join in, be there and celebrate the joys of diversity with us! \\ === We are opening the permanent Left Waltz Workshop for the next years. === {{:projects:poster_np2_4_.png?300nolink|}}