====== STWST at Piksel 2024====== **Piksel is an international network and festival for electronic art and technological freedom** in Bergen, Norway, taking place this year between 21 and 24 November. Participants exchange ideas, programme, present art and software projects, organise workshops, performances and discuss the aesthetics and politics of free technologies. **STWST is invited to a collaborative Media()Mess.** More Infos below - **Due to the current situation - Interview and PETITION!** [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/12-2024/piksel-24-geo-void0latilitypolitics|PIKSEL in Versorgerin 144, PETITION]] {{:projects:piksel-poster-image-page002.jpg?400nolink|}} /* {{:projects:flyer_2024-piksel24.png?nolink&600|}} */ Today, the development and thus the use of digital technologies is mainly controlled by multinational corporations. Despite the prospects of technology expanding artistic expression, it is instead severely limited by the commercial demands of the software industry. Piksel focuses on the free/libre and open source movement as a strategy to regain artistic control over technology, but also as a means to draw attention to the close links between art, politics, technology and business. More about [[https://piksel.no/|Piksel]]. \\ === PIKSEL 2024 lief heuer unter dem Titel === ===== Geo-v(oid)(0)latility(∞)politics ===== **21.-24. November 2024** **MEDIA()MESS(e), AV performance** THE MEDIA()MESS(e) brought together an international group of artists-researchers on new media / art+hacking+diy; 10 artist-hackers invited from European art and technology laboratories and collectives worked together on a new creation that builds on disconnects of our mediated realities through intermedia arts, DIY (do it yourself), DIWO (do it with others) and media activism and audio-visual performance. 2 hours performance that includes the varying visions of what of a MEDIA()MESS(e) could be; starting with a chaotic invasion of the space itself with multi-screens in all shapes and sizes, through to multiple and various types of sound systems, added to which was a huge amount of DIY electronics, mixers, hack tv machines and invented instruments. Artists: Julien Ottavi, Jenny Pickett, Romain Papion, Tanja Brandmayr, Jan-Nahuel Jenny, Gisle Froysland, Maite Cajaraville, Dimitra Kousteridou and Anastasia Melandinou. https://24.piksel.no/#new_tab https://24.piksel.no/2024/11/19/audiovisual-performances-concerts/ https://24.piksel.no/2024/11/12/mediamesse-2/ https://24.piksel.no/2024/11/12/off-labs/ \\ fotos: tanja {{:projects:piksel_2024_f_tanjab_53_.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:piksel_2024_f_tanjab_87_.jpg?400nolink|}} {{:projects:piksel_2024_f_tanjab_89_.jpg?400nolink|}} \\ fotos: Filip Glesgo {{:projects:piksel:glesgo:pikselfest24_lordag_23.11.24-17.jpg?nolink&400|}}{{:projects:piksel:glesgo:pikselfest24_lordag_23.11.24-21.jpg?nolink&400|}} \\ fotos: Martin E. Koch {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4680.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4685-2.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4705-2.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4760.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4817.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4838.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4872.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_4911.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_5029-2.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_5033-2.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_5057.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_5060.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:nz8_5168-2.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:r0014172.jpg?nolink&400|}} {{:projects:piksel:koch:r0014185.jpg?nolink&400|}}