==== NOPE MANIFESTO ==== \\ The STWST New Art Context Programme 2025 is created here. \\ {{:nope_mani_logo_ready.jpg?400nolink|}} \\ The Stadtwerkstatt's claim for the year is **NOPE MANIFESTO.** The planned title of the STWST programme for Ars in September is **FOG FIEBER.** We are thus thematising **critical contiunities** - and **foggy, disorientated works** between theory and artistic practice. **2 Open Calls soon out**. \\ \\ \\ \\ **Some projects and events have already startet in 2025:** [[Noise Meetup Workshops 2025]] Mascha Illich is once again active in the field of noise in 2025. The first workshop will take place on 11 January, followed by several throughout the year. [[Drink and Draw at STWST]] Potato Publishing invites you to a drawing session at Cafe Stom on 15 January. Bring your favourite pencil. [[Arts Birthday 2025]] Werkstatt Graz and we invite you to the 1,000,062nd ART'S BIRTHDAY on 17 January 2025. [[Linkswalzerworkshop]] On 1 Feb there will be a left-hand waltz workshop before the STWST. [[Feminismus & Krawall @ Stadtwerkstatt]] FIFTITU% und Stadtwerkstatt laden am 8. März zum feministischen Kampftag – u.a. mit Feminist*innen lesen Feminist*innen, Performances, DJing, Drinks. Vernetzen, verbünden, gemeinsam feiern - queer und widerständig! 8. März ab 18:30 in der STWST. [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/gibling/start|Chart Discount - Gibling Show]] Chart Discount, the superlative TV show created by Art Discount 24, will be broadcast live from STWST on 13 March. The current Gibling, designed by Art Discount 24, will play a central role in the show. [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/tangible_music_club|Tangible Music Club 25]] The TANGIBLE MUSIC CLUB continues in 2025, as a series with several dates. On 19 March: Ulla Reuter & Daniel Haas. [[Ungeheuer!]] Monsters of the queer scene from Linz and Vienna unite their anger at the patriarchal structures of a society in which they otherwise only appear in the shadows. Monstrous! Staging, fighting forms, monster drag show. Curated by Mika Bankomat & Eric BigClit. On 17 April.