NoMore Pics from biennal of taipei - Taiwan. [{{ :tools:img_20181107_090859.jpg?300 | The Museum of Fine Arts }}] [{{ :tools:img_20181107_093214.jpg?300 |Our exhibition space in the Museum}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181108_120105.jpg?300 |We build up a tent to open the Balls with the Mycelium for clean-installing the sensors}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181107_180812.jpg?300 |Shu Lea Cheang made a Video to see the work of our nodes - Here you see Apo 33 France}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181107_180755.jpg?300 |The crew discuss how to do}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181108_120149.jpg?300 |Martin Howse testing the first sensor}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181109_132702.jpg?300 |Taro and Martin cleaning everything open the balls to install the Sensors }}] [{{ :tools:img_20181109_111320.jpg?300 |The company is cutting iron inside the Museum. The smoke detector initiate a firealarm}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181109_142429.jpg?300 |Mounting the hanging points of the lifting construction}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181110_130012.jpg?300 |Done. We expect a total weight more the one ton}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181110_160235.jpg?300 |We pulled up the hanging frame up to 1 meter to fix everything, make screwing and cabeling}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181111_183946.jpg?300 |Pulling up the hanging frame to the ceiling}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181112_185943.jpg?300 |The first two atom of the molecule}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181113_192859.jpg?300 |All atoms of the sculpture "Patulin"}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181114_142904.jpg?300 |Patulin, the poison of mold}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181114_123810.jpg?300 |The Mycelium of lingzhi mushrooms inside the Balls}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181116_113033.jpg?300 |Check for the sound performance with 17 Taipei artists}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181116_113148.jpg?300 |Martin Howse on the mixer}}] [{{ :tools:img_20181116_202132.jpg?300 |The opening Night}}] {{ :tools:img_20181116_195611.jpg?300 |}} {{ :tools:vid_20181116_203248.mp4 |}} And the Sound was good - 50 min {{ :tools:patulin.mp3 |}} [[more_taipei|See more Pics Taipei]]