8 March - Feminist Fighting Day!
FIFTITU% and Stadtwerkstatt invite you to a feminist fighting day on 8 March - including the format Feminist*innen lesen Feminist*innen. You are welcome to bring your own texts or works by feminist authors and share them on the Vulva*throne reading stage. Before and after: Concerts, performances, DJing, drinks. Network, join forces, celebrate together - queer and resistant!
Start at STWST: After the 8 March demo at 19:00 h
The 8th March demo starts at 15:00 h at the Musiktheater and continues along Landstraße to Hauptplatz. A joint performance with the Latin American singer and activist Mary Cow takes place.
The programme at the STWST:
From 17.00: Kapu Bar
From 18:00: Linkswalzer-Workshop
19:00-21:00: Feminist*innen lesen Feminist*innen, Bass statt Hass - Chor
From 21:30: Performances, DJing & Party im Saal –
mit Mary Cow, Mina Mora, sirius.sue, tame heart, Glut & I-ID @ Café Strom
Infos about 8 March on FIFTITU%
Reference also to the Programme for International Women's Day at the AEC
All FLINTA* who would like to take part in Feministi*innen lesen Feminist+inne at STWST can register here.
Safer space: Please contact FIFTITU% directly if you have individual needs that we can take into account: feminismus@fiftitu.at