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Kurt Holzinger, our friend and comrade is dead. His decease on the 27th of June came unexpected, although he has been battling a serious illness for years.

Kurt was intelligent, sensitive and uncompromising.
He significantly shaped for decades the Stadtwerkstatt and countercultural scenes far beyond Linz.

When hearing the name Kurt Holzinger, many think of the Band Willi Warma. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he and his band colleagues gave the gray and narrow-minded Linz the kick in the arse it so well deserved and that transformed it permanently.

The band's radiance still shines today and testifies to the early adopted attitude that it's always about all or nothing.

The variety of projects, influences, encouragements, empowerments, collaborations that arose out of Kurts boundless energy at that time or later, are legend. Already within the first hours after his death we received many comments on who ore what would not exist without Kurt.