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The STWST advertising column


The STWST advertising column is a temporary project of STWST. With an advertising column placed in front of the STWST, an additional poster space will be available from May 2019, especially for smaller organizers.

Background: The lack of billboards has been a burning issue for many organizers in the city for quite some time. The imbalance is that larger event venues have clear advantages when it comes to the commercial advertising of their events. However, these commercial advertising spaces cannot be financed in any way for medium-sized and small venues. In addition, it is aggravating that many institutions in the city provide little or no billboards and/or advertising space in their premises, but in contrast place large amounts of PR material in STWST or in other places of non-institutionalised scenes. STWST would also like to draw attention to this fact and contact various organisers in the city.

Your STWST will provide you with advertising columns.

In order to find attractive possibilities for the city, its organisers and, above all, for an interested public, STWST will - by arrangement and possibility - also deliver an advertising column to other event venues. This should also point out the general imbalance and the lack of billboards - and other art and culture houses should participate with their own advertising column! Contact us on office(at)

On the picture is the prototype of an advertising column in front of the STWST.