Abriss-Residency auf der Eleonore

The Eleonore can go! The halfbit association has been operating the energy self-sufficient measuring ship Eleonore since 2009, and STWST has been running an artist-in-residency programme on it since 2010.

But oxidation is a process to which everything succumbs in the end. Metals, people and even projects. And thus also the measuring ship. The Elenore can go, must go, may go. We are taking this as an opportunity to call for the last residency: a demolition residency with questions about the end/beginning of the topics dealt with between art, media, periphery and self-sufficiency, about documentation, de-construction, handover capability, genuine sustainability and longevity.

Tear-off residency - extEndet ahoi, Eva Grün, 31 days in May/June on the survey ship Eleonore: Soundscapes. Audio recording. Spatial intervention. Photo. Drawing. Ship's diary. Daily immersion. Material search. Lye water. Soot, rust. Partial extraction of the ship. Isolation and participation.

Eva Grün, visual artist, gathers the materials and people of the measuring ship Eleonore and starts a 31-day process of deconstruction and documentation. Individual and collaborative work with Taro Knopp, Flo Panhölzl, Maria Grün, Mario Bergamasco. One or more (collective) works will be created.

More info and details soon.