The Block Explorer and Web Wallet of Givecoin

This Blockchain starts Feb 2014 with the first mining clients. 2015 a other blockchain also with the name givecoins was created - named: 2Give Coin. Which also bears sometimes the name Givecoin. Algorythm is a proof of work - SHA256. New clients have been added as nodes to the mining software (~ .givecoin / givecoin.conf) since 2017. Your password will be generated when the software starts for the first time.

The software is tested under Linux. and you can download it here.

The settings in ~ .givecoin / givecoin.conf. -This file will be generated automatically on first startup.

server = 1
daemon = 1
listen = 1
rpcuser = givecoinrpc
rpcpassword =
rpcallowip =
rpcconnect =
rpcport = 9527
addnode =
addnode =
addnode =
addnode =
addnode =
Start Mining Client via Wallet:

~ / Givecoin / binaries / linux / givecoin-qt
then Help → Console input: setgenerate true 2
# starts the mining process with 2 processors
Start Miningclient on the commandline

command line:

~ / Givecoin / binaries / linux / givecoind
Activate mining:

~ / givecoin / binaries / linux / givecoind setgenerate true

Check balances

~ / givecoin / binaries / linux / givecoind getbalance

The blockchain is a bitcoin clone 0.8.6