The STWST at the Belvedere ...

… for an afternoon on 29 Nov 2024: As part of the Kazuko Miyamoto exhibition, the Belvedere is tracing Kazuko Miyamoto's connections and relationships to Austria. At the beginning of her career, Kazuko met friends, like-minded people and allies at the Stadtwerkstatt, among other places. There will be a short presentation about the Stadtwerkstatt at the Linz Calling event at the Belvedere.

Exhibition view Kazuko Miyamoto, Belvedere 21
Photo:, Manuel Carreon Lopez / Belvedere, Vienna

Kazuko Miyamoto (* 1942 Tokyo) is an important protagonist of the art scene in New York's Lower East Side, who combines her Japanese origins with Western art practices and thus stretches the boundaries of Minimal Art. Since her move to the USA in 1964, as an early member of the A.I.R. Gallery and with her gallery Onetwentyeight, founded in 1986, she has promoted the presentation of feminist and (post-) migrant art. As a producer of works by the American artist Sol LeWitt, Miyamoto first came to Linz in 1980 and established a lifelong artistic and friendship network here. (Text from Belvedere Website)

The mood at the time when Kazuko Miyamoto was in Linz, (early) 1980s, Stadtwerkstatt: A picture from the publication “Stadtwerkstatt. In Arbeit 1979-1995-”, chapter: “Heating”, caption: Cheap coke from the Voest steelworks - Hof interim storage facility. This image from the STWST archive was made available for the exhibition catalogue on Kazuko Miyamoto.

More about the publication Stadtwerkstatt. In Arbeit 1979-1995-
More about Kazuko Miiyamoto at Belvedere