The STWST New Art Context Programme 2025 is created here.
The Stadtwerkstatt's claim for the year is NOPE MANIFESTO.
The planned title of the STWST programme for Ars in September is FOG FIEBER.
We are thus thematising critical contiunities -
and foggy, disorientated works between theory and artistic practice.
2 Open Calls soon out.
Some projects and events have already startet in 2025:
Noise Meetup Workshops 2025
Mascha Illich is once again active in the field of noise in 2025.
The first workshop will take place on 11 January, followed by several throughout the year.
Drink and Draw
Potato Publishing invites you to a drawing session at Cafe Stom on 15 January. Bring your favourite pencil.
1.000.062. ART'S BIRTHDAY
Werkstatt Graz and we invite you to the 1,000,062nd ART'S BIRTHDAY on 17 January 2025.
On 1 Feb there will be a left-hand waltz workshop before the STWST.
Feminism & Krawall @ Stadtwerkstatt
FIFTITU% und Stadtwerkstatt laden am 8. März zum feministischen Kampftag – u.a. mit Feminist*innen lesen Feminist*innen, Performances, DJing, Drinks. Vernetzen, verbünden, gemeinsam feiern - queer und widerständig! 8. März ab 18:30 in der STWST.
Chart Discount - Gibling Show
Chart Discount, the superlative TV show created by Art Discount 24, will be broadcast live from STWST on 13 March. The current Gibling, designed by Art Discount 24, will play a central role in the show.
Tangible Music Club 25
The TANGIBLE MUSIC CLUB continues in 2025, as a series with several dates. On 19 March: Ulla Reuter & Daniel Haas.
Monsters of the queer scene from Linz and Vienna unite their anger at the patriarchal structures of a society in which they otherwise only appear in the shadows. Monstrous! Staging, fighting forms, monster drag show. Curated by Mika Bankomat & Eric BigClit. On 17 April.