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Stadtwerkstatt as Public Space


The project “The Stadtwerkstatt as public space” was conceived as a long-term circulating research and art project in the public areas of STWST. The concept was conceived at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017 on the occasion of a call for projects by the City of Linz on the topic of “Publicity and Displacement”. The reason for this was a peek of problems in the public areas of the house, especially during the nighttimes, which were noticeable in many places in the city at the same time. In the concept, Stadtwerkstatt argued that due to the largely open accesses in the public areas of the building, it was not only necessary to deal with various situations, but that the displacement, that happened elsewhere in the city, increasingly had to be absorbed. In order to push the topic forward offensively, the approach was chosen to examine the Stadtwerkstatt and the Cafe Strom as the open space as it functions for years anyway - as a place of an autonomous and heterogeneous scene, determined and supported by informal rules and behaviour by house employees, but also by associated partners, project participants, cooperation partners, up to the guests.

In a practical implementation phase from December 2017 to March 2018, the public areas of the house were declared as a circulating performative and scientific research area. Two scientists and eight performers were involved in the project from Nov 2017 to March 2018.

At the beginning of the project, a text appeared in the Versorgerin. Furthermore, a publicly accessible discussion on the topic took place: Strom um sieben / 2018 March, 26th
Filmscreening "La Haine", Mathieu Kassovitz - March 25th, 9 p.m., Moviemento

Several research projects, communicative processes and smaller interventions accompanied the project.

Social Sleep
On November 10th, in the early evening hours, the scenic reading “Social Sleep” was performed in Cafe Strom and in the public areas of the house - as the last part of the project in its original conception and at the same time as a potential beginning of a continuation of the project in further artistic circulation.

Under the title “The Public Space and the Open End”, a text has been published with the practical end of the project (the part sponsored by LINZim PULS) in the paper Versorgerin

Additionally from the project context:
In 2018, artistic and scientific works have been implemented or are in the planning stage which additionally have developed from the project context. A theoretical and practical phase is taking place in cooperation with the Kepler University in winter 2018/19.

It is potentially possible to develop the project in further artistic work.

With support from LINZimPULS.