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New Art Contexts and Club Culture

Autonomous Structures since 1979

Stadtwerkstatt Chronology

New Art Contexts and autonomous structures.
The history of Stadtwerkstatt since 1979.

Interviews with the Founders of STWST

STWST Video Archive and STWST TV

Here are at first a few documentary videos from the early STWST history and a “process art as media art” - or as STWST TV of a label that produced interactive television before the digital media.

Current videos and streaming also on Vimeo.

Old Websites - ca 1998
Foto: Baggerhochzeit 1987

Old Websites - ca 2008

Historical Photos

Documentary and photographic archive /since 2016

At the Bernaschekplatz is temporarily the document archive of the Stadtwerkstatt. Since 2016, the photo archive of the Stadtwerkstatt has also been set up there.

Kunstlager NORD /since 2017

In the Leonfeldnerstrasse we have a new workplace as well as we collect our relicts from 35 years of art production. In the medium and longer term, the documentary and photographic archive will be relocated from Bernaschekplatz to Kunstlager Nord.

Versorgerin Archive

The Stadtwerkstatt publishes quarterly the newspaper “Versorgerin” - with the focus on contributions on the Stadtwerkstatt as well as the transformation of politics and culture. Many authors of the Versorgerin stand in the tradition of Critical Theory.

Archive Club Culture/Concerts /seit 1979

Since the early days of the 80ies Stadtwerkstatt invited music, which was quite significant and new for the city. Today, Stadtwerkstatts music program revolves around contemporary trends between electronics, hip-hop and rock. Additionally, the hall is available for DIY events.

Archiv Club Culture/Concerts

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