As links various sources: Current Sites Sites 1996 + Sites 2006 ++

Short chronology: Folder STWST 2022


Annual claim COLD RESISTANCE & Calls - 2023 claim between resistance and meltdown COLD RESISTANCE

Art, World and Electricity Counting - Energy crisis at its peak COLD RESISTANCE

Lecture Magnus Klaue - 'Die Antiquiertheit des Sexus' on 19 Jan Lecture Magnus Klaue

Night Creature's Deamons - Club culture and political clout, incl awareness check, 5 nights until 23 June
Night Creature's Deamons

8 March International Women's Day - Feminists read Feminsts, International trans*feminist strike against digital exploitation, Koop fiftitu%, and more 8 March 23

Noise Meetup Community - 4 workshops, from RGBastler to Quircy Circuits Noise Meetup Workshops

Reclaim! Clubnächte, Häuserkampf und urbane Freiräume - Symposium. Co-organised by Kunstuni and STWST Reclaim!

Niveau Leaves Safe Harbor - boat demo, ceremonial launching, work-in-progress from 5 June. Co-op Kunstuni and STWST Niveau Leaves Safe Harbour

Don't use your time, kill it - Stage residency & performance Edgar Lessig, 5-10 June, with STWST support
Don't use your time, kill it

Print Your Money Great Again - Currency art and the end of NFP-Gibling year Print Your Money Great Again

New Gibling 12 by Tina Kult - Community currency and currency art. Presentation 15 June
Gibling Ed 12 by Tina Kult

Floating wild growth elements and root stream - as part of Kultur Klima Wandel. 20 June
Floating wild growth elements

STWST@flur4 - stwst_research_week, invitation to Brandenburg at the beginning of August STWST@flur4

Plus Minus Protective Conductor - STWST project on the basic resource of electricity Plus Minus Protective Conductor

Beaver Lab - field lab, sculptural setting, STWST co-op with Beaver Lab, 1-10 Sept Mobile hybrid beaver lodge

Contingent Snapshot – radio residency on the ship Eleonore, 4.-10. Sept, by Eugenia Seriakov and Francesco Zedde, in coop with STWST, shon at STWST48 Contingent Snapshot

Infinite Approach to Zero - Infolab Research and Project 2023, shown at STWST48
Infinite Approach to Zero, Infolab

Becoming minus - Quasi-art research and project 2023, shown at STWST48
become-minus, Quasikunst

Bloodproof of Life - Collective blood collection, research and project, shown at STWST48
Bloodproof of Life

STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN. 48 Hours of Immersive Trash - the 9th edition of the STWST extravaganza in co-op with Ars Electronica. 8-10 Sept STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN

BestOFF 2023, Radical Collective - STWST @Kunstuni and vice versa. 12-31 Oct BestOFF 2023 - Radical Collective

Herzblutwiese STWST - Film shoot at STWST in Nov Film shoot Herzblutwiese STWST

Green Thread of Media Art – New at the archive project ‘Red Thread of New Media Art’. STWST invited Davide Bevilacqua Green Thread


All New Context Events - New Context Events 2023

Versorgerin 2023 - As every year, four issues of the Versorgerin: 137, 138, 139, 140, Versorgerin Archive

CLUB 2023 - All Events 2023

DJ-Lines Cafe Strom 2023 - All DJ-Lines 2023


Annual claim 2022 - Unter den Zuständen
Finally, yes, Mesdames et Messieurs! We are under the circumstances = Unter den Zuständen

The Red Thread of Media Art – Extended media art timeline between Kollektiv and n+1 Artists

Untergrundel Release Fire – Presentation of the 2nd issue of the Untergrundel magazine at STWST Lände, on 8 Dec.

Work in progress - sugar pa & ronit
STWST Work in Progress: Music on the topic of sex work. hoe work

What’s Your Nationality? I’m a Drunkard – Musical reading, Nov 2022 What’s Your Nationality?

‚Herzblutwiese STWST‘ at What the Fem*? – Picture contribution in the Nordico exhibition, Nov 22 – May 23: Herzblutwiese Stadtwerkstatt, What the Fem 136

Kopfschnittgalerie – Wildfrucht - Sculptural recycle process at the STWST Lände, end of Oct.
Kopfschnittgalerie Vers 136

STWST Werkstattbilder at the Albertina, from Hauenschild/Ritter, Oct 22 - 15 Jan 23, Werkstatt at the Albertina Versorgerin 136

STWST48x8 DEEP. 48 Hours Disconnected Connecting – 48-hour non-stop showcase extravanganza in parallel and in co-op with Ars Electronica. International artists and results from STWST art production, 9-11 Sept. 2022
STWST48x8 DEEP Articles for STWST48x8 DEEP in the Versorgerin STWST48 general.

The Lib - No Discourse Lib(retto) installation, STWST NAC Projekt, performed in Nantes and further developed for STWST48x8 DEEP, , 9-11 Sept. The Lib

Generative Void – Circulating multi-channel sound installation, STWST NAC project at STWST48x8 in Sept. Generative Void

Minus Delta t‘ -
Experimental setup in electromagnetic space. STWST Infolab-Research, at STWST48x8, 9-11 Sept.
Minus Delta t', More about the Infolab

Ich häng mir die Welt um – Terraforming Staccato. STWST Quasikunst-Research, at STWST48x8, 9-11 Sept.
Ich häng mir die Welt um Mehr zu Quasikunst

Nik, the Sleeper - Mind-Mining and Self-Fracking: STWST Quasikunst Research, shown at STWST48x8, 9-11 Sept.
Nik, the Sleeper More about Quasikunst

Make Me A Signal - Radio cooperation in Hamburg on the ship Stubnitz. 13-17 July 2022.
Radiotopia - Make Me A Signal

Book presentation “Inter* Pride – on 24 June, in cooperation with HOSI Book presentation - Inter* Pride

STWST at AMRO - STWST No Discourse @ servus‘ Art Meets Radical Openness. 15-18 June 22. Full Program here, AMRO Debug

Gibling as NFP - 11. Edition as NFP. The new Gibling is valid from 15 June. Presented as part of the AMRO opening. Gibling as NFP

Filmscreening auf der Eleo: „Unten“, 10 June Info Unten. Unten in the Versorgerin

Media Mess(e) - Collaboration - STWST with artist-hackers from European art and technology labs in Nantes, Plateforme Intermedia, May 22 Media Mess(e), Media Mess(e) in the Versorgerin 135

Kreishell – Co-production with Apephonie Prod. analogue drum machine by bicycle gyroscope, In April 22 and as part of STWST48x8 in Sept. Kreishell Kreishell at STWST48x8 Deep Sound Opera

Murmel-Strom - Live sound installation and reading, 24 March Schmitzer and Lischka

8. März – Co-op mit Feminismus&Krawall - The transcultural women*political alliance on the main square and in the STWST Feminismus&Krawall

we may destroy you - who cares? - STWST+Eleonore Residency in Jan/Feb 22
Residency: pa dares & mika bankomat

STWST Lände in Jan/Feb - Event and processing cycles at the STWST Lände(banks of the Danube) under corona conditions: We have a SITuation here, In Dark Gardens We Live, Fluxus, Dampfbad und Sauner yr Art Again.
Art, presentation and steam bath

Film pre-project: The women of STWST, January until May 22, Herzblutwiese Stadtwerkstatt, Herzblut in der Versorgerin 136


All New Context Events - New Context Events 2022

Versorgerin 2022 - As every year 4 issues of Versorgerin: 133, 134, 135, 136, Versorgerin Archive

CLUB 2022 - All Events 2022

DJ-Lines Cafe Strom 2022 - All DJ-Lines 2022


STWST 2021 STILL More vs Less - We are going into extension with reality:
STWST's annual claim: 2021 STILL Less vs More.

365-Day Exhibition - From March: Redefining the event-free house into the permanently growing 365-Day Exhibition.

ESSDC - Eleonore “Still St(D)reaming” Dawn Concerts - As a counter-concept to the stream as a replacement venue. ESSDC 1-5 on the Eleonore: Underground Audiovision, Abby Lee Tee, 9abriela, APO33 / Jenny Pickett, NFT.

Concerts for NOBODY - 17 + 18 March 2021, STWST Club. We play for no one and for the whole universe at the same time. Be square, DON'T be there. With Peter Kutin/Maja Osojnik and Black Pulse. In co-op with STILL MvsL

Riverbank Buffet - by Julian Stadon and Roland von Dierendonck. At Eleonore in March, at STWST48x7 OOM in Sept.

Eleonore Residencies - Sarah Held, Felix Stalder as Writers in Residence at Eleonore in March/April 2021.

Your Money - 22 April. STWST-Infolab: The Givecoin and XGiveCoin as EURO print campaign

STWST at Kunsthallen - 17 April, Salon Ship Florentine and Main Square. STWST at IFEK-Kunsthallen Linz

The Women of STWST - HerStory - A circulating research project on 'The Women of STWST' (working title) starts in April.

Concerts for ANYONE - 3 CONCERTS via lockdown stream. Greetings from the Anti-Anthropocene.

Notnoponton 2021 - 28 May, Donaulände Opening, Notnoponton - Under the Grid

Publication Quasikunst / DEEP ART CONTEXTS - Available from May, 10 years of art, theory and research Quasikunst Publication

Publication Floating Bodies and Spaces - Available from May. Reflection of the dance, body and performance related residency series FBaS

New Gibling by Shu Lea Cheang - available from 15 June. The new Gibling by Shu Lea Cheang comes into circulation as a refreshed Blood Transfusion.

STWST @Electropixel - OUT OF MATTER - 3 July - 28 Aug 2021, Plateform Intermedia, Nantes/F. STWST was invited by APO33 with OUT OF MATTER to ELECTROPIXEL in Nantes for 2 months.

Flux Libre - Eat the Noise - Exchange between APO33 (Nantes/F) and STWST. APO33 is in residency at Flux Libre with 5 artists at Eleonore. Plus Eat the Noise.

More vs Less: OOM Corrupt - Art and Research Project 2021: Corrupt File in application of the poster subject of STWST48 and later in collocation with an ASCII installation. Shown at STWST48 as OOM Corrupt

Quasikunst - Postglow Cinema - Art, Theory and Research 2021, annual project Quasikunst, shown at Electropixel in Nantes and STWST48x7. Conceived as “counter-world quantum cinema”. Postglow Cinema. More: Quasikunst

Quasikunst - Nik, or: Alone in the Electroshock Room -.
Art, Text and Research 2021, annual project shown at STWST48x7. SF Exploitation Draft and Word and Sentence Fragment Scripting. NIK

Infolab - The Electromagnetic Massage - Art, Theory and Research 2021, annual project, shown at Electropixel and STWST48x7. Image transfer via radio waves and downlink antenna. The Electromagnetic Massage More Infolab

STWST48x7 OUT OF MATTER - 10-12 Sept 2021, in co-op Ars Electronica. The annual showcase extravaganza: totalitarianism, dystopia, disorientation and dissolution. STWST is working on even more dematerialisation. 20 works and programme items. Plus Nightline and Place to be. STWST48x7 OOM

Infolab downlink antenna - After STWST48 installation of Infolab's temporary downlink antenna at the back of the STWST building.

The Gibling 11 as NFP - The Infolab designs the eco-system of the Gibling Number 11 as a Non-FungiblesPicture series. Implementation and issue in June 2022.

Sleep Movens Monitoring - End of 2021 in progress: Unconsiousness continued … the sleep of the many as a co-actor among waking networks. Started 2021, implementation 2022.

Work on the Archive/Art Storage North - various improvements in storage.

The women of STWST - Interviews with protagonists were conducted as preliminary research in spring 2021. Commitment for the pre-project film at the end of the year. Longer-term project.

Digitisation of image archive - a large part of the analogue photo archive was viewed and digitised in the last third of the year.

Preliminary work on publications - “The Women of STWST” and “STWST Posters”.

Winterlände Dunkellände: In Gardens we live - from Sept to Dec. Art and permaculture at DeckDock by Andrea Lehmann. Between real-life logging, social land art and English-Japanese garden design, In Dark Gardens we live has emerged.

End of 2021: STILL More vs. Less - At the end of 2021, the annual claim unfortunately became relevant again: STILL Less vs More. New lockdown, reconceptualised outdoor Donaulände activities, mostly cancellations of concerts. Cafe Strom and DJ lines until 10 pm.

Winterlände Dunkellände: We have a Situation here - From 30 Nov and under various Corona conditions. Three mobile cabins on car trailers stand as an installation setting for warmth, food, art. With actions in cooperation with Leo Schatzl and the Kunstuni Linz. We have A Situation here.

December Dunkellände: Art, Social and Sauna - Art with post-lockdown socializing. Real fire. Donaulände in January. All under Corona conditions. Art, Social and Sauna.

Take-Away-Christmas Party - on 17 Dec, jointly organised by STWST, Radio FRO and servus on 17 Dec. On the one hand secondary, on the other historic.


All New Context Events - New Context Events 2021

Versorgerin 2021 - Versorgerin 129, 130, 131, 132 - As every year, four issues of Versorgerin.

CLUB 2021 - Because of and despite Corona-Pandemia STILL Less vs More Concerts All Events 2021


Annual Claim STWST 2020 More vs. Less - Hit the nail on the head: STWST 2020 MORE VS LESS annual claim was proclaimed at the beginning of the year, then the entire year was under MORE-VS-LESS reality check, between weeks of closures and hyperactivity. STWST 2020 More vs. Less

Underwater stream and GrundlTV - Yes we stream: STWST broadcasts an underwater stream from the survey vessel Eleonore, which is moored in the Traun-Donau estuary. A project that was started as part of STWST48x6 MORE LESS and Grundel Panorama and is continuing. Underwater Stream
STWST48x6 MORE LESS and Grundel Panorama Pure Underwater Stream

Global Spore Release Party - The worldwide scattered nodes of the Mycelium Network Society were called to participate in a concert synchronized action to send spores into space on Dec 21. Fixed starters: Stadtwerkstatt, Lab-kill-Lab community in Taiwan, Technische Sammlung in Dresden. Spore Release Party

Change giblings plus order giblings via video chat - On Dec 17, giblings can be purchased before STWST Change GIBLINGS

STWST in Dresden at Mind over Matter - STWST is participating in this special exhibition of the Technische Sammlung Dresden. Exhibition from Dec 11 - Jan 10 next year. Mind over Matter

Quasikunst 2020: My brain freezes at -273° - Quasikunst research and 24-hour world brain barrier. From Content to Media and Matter: An all-in-text loop for the electric eye and the magnetic brain. It's the content, stupid! Brain at -273° background

Versorgerin as a book and meta reader - A newspaper, book, media, archive and art project. The exhibition situation with the book and 124 covers has already been in place since spring 2020. More art media contexts: 10 Million Characters for Quick Readers. Release Dec 4. Exhibition-Situation Meta-Reader

STWST Webshop - The STWST webshop was relaunched with a basic assortment. STWST Webshop

Permanent Exhibition: Habitate and more Some works from the STWST New Art Contexts Produktion were continued, as the STWST-Habitats, Quasikunst or parts from the archive presentation.

Haven of Desire: Free Opinion Needs Free Media - Exhibition on the Eleonore from Sept. 11-18 Art and idea presentation, from painting to media art and habitat projects of the Mycelium Network Society. Sehnsucht Info Sehnsucht at STWST48

Infolab 2020 - Satellite El'Hail QO 100, WSPR Network („I am still alive 2“), The third nature, number space, approach to the square root of minus 1: STWST Infolab art and theory research, presentation in the context of STWST48x6 and “Hafen der Sehnsucht”. Infolab at STWST48 Eleonore Exhibition

STWST48x6 MORE LESS - Sept 11-13, 2020 in coop with Ars Electronica: The sixth edition of the 48-hour non-stop showcase extravaganza themed MORE LESS. Counter-validity zones, non-zero-sum games, rational and irrational approaches driven by questions of a more, a less and above all an OTHER. Inklusive doumentation per 21 short videos. STWST48x6 MORE LESS STWST48x6 MORE LESS interview in Makery Magazine.

Work on Archive/Kunstlager Nord (Art Storage North) – STWST set a focus on archive work during the Corona year. In the art storage Stadtwerkstatt collects art relics and documents from the 40-year history of the house - between media art, subculture and city history. For STWST48x6 there was an excursion to Kunstlager Nord prepared. Excursion Art Storage

Work on the Measuring Ship Eleonore – STWST set a focus on the work on the Eleonore shore during the Corona year. At STWST48x6 there was a excursion to the measuring ship Eleonore then, which anchors in the Traun River. The energy-self-sufficient ship, it's history and this year’s projects on Elenore will be presented. Excursion Eleonore

New Sound Context - Re-opening after the initial lockdown and under the working title SOUND AND ART CATHEDRALS OF NOTHING, STWST ran a concept of expanded sound-and-art contexts over the summer months. To that end, a New Sound Context Call was also issued with a deadline of June 31. New Sound Contexts New Sound Contexts Open Call

The new Gibling of OrtnerSchinko - Community currency and currency art, Gibling presentation and Gibling money destruction: The new black money Gibling of OrtnerSchinko was presented on June 19, the old Gibling of Peter Weibel was destroyed. The new Gibling of OrtnerSchinko

Slow Stream at Amro - In May, the STWST-Infolab is represented with the project 'Slow Stream' at this year's edition of the net culture festival Amro: An Apple Rotting Since 1991, an image is taken every hour. Slow Stream at AMRO AMRO

Residency and Talk Sarah Held - Sarah Held will be working on texts related to her research interests from May 19 to June 1 on the Mess Ship Eleonore: Resistant Movements, Feminist Political Activism, Textile Handwork, and Affective Art Practices. Residency and Talk Sarah Held

Residency and Talk Julian Stadon - “From Augmentation to Ecological Aesthetics”: Julian Stadon ends his residency in the first two weeks of May with an artist talk at Eleonore. Residency and Talk Julian Stadon

Versorgerin as a Book and 124 Covers - As of May 15, 124 Covers of the Versorgerin and the actually very large and extensive book object of the compiled archive stock of the paper were presented: A Newspaper, Book, Media, Archive and Art Project on the 1st floor of STWST. Exhibition Situation

Opening Again - Cafe Strom and STWST was unlocked again after the first lockdown on May 15: With 10 minutes of lockwheels sound continuous clacking from the STWST facade. Lockdown with ratchet wheels

The Future Sound and Poster exhibition #01-#91 – celebrating 10 years of The Future Sound. On April 16-17, the Future Sound is moved to the web due to the Covid 19 pandemic: The End of the Future. The End of the Future.

Lockdown STWST MORE VS LESS and Open Call for STWST48x6 MORE LESS - In unimagined topicality in the times of sudden less, our annual claim was formulated in the beginning of the year. With the lockdown the call for STWST48x6 MORE LESS was out. And due to Covid-19 the music events had to be cancelled. Open Call STWST48x6 MORE LESS

Wurst vom Hund Ball - For the 5th time, STWST welcomed the committee and illustrious guests on Feb 1: Celebrate and dress up against everything that spreads ice-cold social nihilism in this country. 5th Wurst vom Hund Ball

Workshop No. 2 - STWST Archive and Music on 23 Jan: We opened our workshop for a concert and reading. Richard Wall read from the new STWST publication Archive Extended Nr 1. Irene Kepl/Mark Holub and Gotthard Wagner/Luigi made music between violin and percussion.Workshop No 2

All New Context Events - New Context Events 2020

Versorgerin 2020 - Versorgerin 125, 126, 127, 128 - As every year, four issues of the Versorgerin.

CLUB 2020 - Because of and despite C-C-Corona 30 concerts All Events 2020


Claim 2019 - STAY UNFINISHED - 40 Years of STWST in 2019. We stay unfinished. Against the done ones STAY UNFINISHED

Pimmel Porn Protest - November 29th+30th, 2 days of post porn film and the politics of porn. Pimmel Porn Protest

Lecture Berthold Seliger - Berthold Seliger in a lecture about the dirty music biz. Lecture Berthold Seliger

Eleonore Residency - Bianca Ludewig works in her residency about clubs, scenes and subculture

„Upper Austria – from ‚Heimatgau des Führers‘ to a model region of the extreme right? - Lectures and discussions in Oct, Nov, Dez Vortragsreihe OÖ als Modellregion

Lecture Erwin Riess - Erwin Riess reads from his new book “Donaupiraten”. In coop with LIBIB. Lesung Erwin Riess - Donaupiraten

STWS48x5 STAY UNFINISHED - The 5th edition of the 48 hours showcase extravaganza parallel to Ars Electronica. Sept 6th-8th STWST48x5 STAY UNFINISHED

40 Years of STWST - Archive Unfinished: Ongoing Work and Research on STWST Archiv STWST Archive

The Hole / Infolab - Infolab unfinished art context work of 2019: Sand Hole Sandloch Das Loch in der Versorgerin

The Hole / Quasikunst - Quasikunst unfinished art context work of 2019: Deep Drilling For Contracts Deep Drilling for Contracts Das Loch in der Versorgerin

Research to language and writing bots - Writing bot in coop with servus. Ongoing Research.

STWST in Lentos Museum - The earlier STWST in the AEC-exhibition “Ars and the City” in Lentos art museum. STWST im Lentos

New Gibling - The new Gibling was created by Peter Weibel. Presentation and Burning of the old Giblings in July. Gibling 2019 The Money Rite

DeckDock season and Notnoponton - DeckDock summer startet with drinks and beach. Presentation of the project NOTNOPONTON at the danube shore.Notnoponton

We grieve for Kurt - We grieve for Kurt Holzinger, our friend and comrade in arms. LUV - KURT HOLZINGER

STWST in O.K - The video of „Hundesprengung“ in the O.K exhibition Wiar a Hünderl sein Herrn

Karl Marx Light - Hannes Langeder on the Day of Labour in coop with STWST.

New Entrance Area - Archaeological layers, raw walls and black glitter . STAY UNFINISHED

Speculative School of Sleep Dance - originally STWST project, in a further variation in the gfk. Speculative School of Sleep Dance

Entropia – Land of your Future - STWST Infolab project at Drone-Festivals Entropia - Land deiner Zukunft

Presentation XGiveCoin - Presentation of the Infolab blockchain and cryptocurrency at servus. Der XGiveCoin

Lecture – The Case Karl Horvath - Lecture by Wolfgang Freitag Der Fall Karl Horvath

Wurst vom Hund Ball - 4th edition in the premises of STWST 4. Wurst vom Hund Ball

Alle New Context Events - New Context Events 2019

Versorgerin 2019 - VERSORGERIN 121, 122, 123, 124 - As every year four issues of the print Versorgerin

CLUB - All Events 2019


We are so Prosecco - Ongoing Campaign 2018 We are so Prosecco ...

STWST at Biennale Taipei - STWST was invited to the Taipei Biennale. STWST goes Biennale Taipeh Preview at STWST48x4

Treffpunkt Afrika - Fourth edition of the international festival with this year's focus African Futurisms Meeting point Africa IV

STWST48x4 SLEEP - September 7-9, 2018 - Art for Sleepers, Art by Sleepers and Art as Sleep: The 4th edition of the 48-hour nonstop showcase extravaganza. STWST48x4 SLEEP

Infolab - Meta-Tunneling and Synchronization of the Present at STWST48x4 and Symposion Lindabrunn From Nothing to Something

Quasikunst - Wind, molecules and the enlargement of distance, shown during STWST48x4. Quasikunst at STWST48x4 Quasikunst all Reflection on Wind

Talk at the Depot - Don't be a 68 soap. Conversation with some founding members of the Stadtwerkstatt. Talk at Depot

Strom um sieben - The debate format in Café Strom discusses social problems such as public repression and international perspectives in art Strom um sieben

Reouzeri - The summer on the STWST Danube shore Reouzeri

Eleonore in the Traun - After 10 years of Eleonore in the winter harbour, the Eleonore moves. The regular Donautics meetings are continued. Eleonore in der Traun

The Floater: A radio technology project of Infolab, presented at the festival AMRO in May.

STWST in exhibitions - In spring the STWST was represented in the exhibition “Stadtoasen” in Nordico, as well as in autumn as “former STWST” in Nordico at the exhibition Who was 68? STWST in aktuellen Ausstellungen]

STWST as public space - circulating research project in the public areas of the house. Plus various events such as Social Sleep. STWST as public space

The Gibling - A new Gibling automat at Kapu. New Gibling from Eva Grün. New gibling shop window at WillyFred house.Gibling Gibling-Automat im Odeon

Fog Ballet - Quasikunst at the gfk Fog Ballet

New STWST-Chronology

Film Fluidø - Cypherpunk Sci-Fi Movie by Shu Lea Cheang

Cine Traktori - The travelling cinema CINE TRAKTORI shows in front of STWST Februar null as well as Innenraum Lavinia

Lecture Berthold Seliger - Klassikkampf

All New Context Events - New Context Events 2018

Versorgerin 2018 - VERSORGERIN 117, 118, 119, 120 - As every year four issues of Versorgerin

CLUB - All Events 2018


Kunstlager Nord - New space for the archive and relicts from almost 40 years of art production

Neugestaltung der Homepages of the STWST-Departments in New Art Contexts - Discursive Media - Club - Cafe Strom. to the Authenticity of past projects not to be forgotten, here to the former STWST Homepage / Sites 2006 ++

Infolab - The Infolab as a continuous format of STWST Infolab

Eisberg / The Entity - Quasikunst-Researchformat of STWST, Project in STWST-context
Quasikunst all Eisberg/The Entity Schaukasten Opening++ with Quasikunst-Bäumeprojekt 2015

Jenseits des Wassers / Beyond The Water - STWST exhibition by Fadi Dorninger in Hamburg Beyond The Water ++

Pflanzen, verpflanzen, gepflanzt - Tree sponsorships of media artists, theorists and others at the Eleonore Pflanzen, verpflanzen, gepflanzt ++

TNC17 - @ Stadtwerkstatt. The Art of Creative Networking,initiated by servus TNC17 TNC @STWST ++

Mycelium Network Society - Artist in Residence-Series on the Eleonore, curated by ShuLea Cheang, Franz Xaver und taro
Alle AiRs auf der Eleonore Artist in Residence 2017
Open Call ++ MNC ++ Servando Barreiro ++ Callum Caplan ++ Azucena Sanchez ++

Deckdock Meme - New biotopes on the Donaulände during the summer MEME ++ Flohmarkt bei MEME ++

STWST48x3 MIND LESS - 48 hours of STWST format during Ars Electronica 2017, as part of STWST48x3 the projects of Infolab, Eleonore-AiRs, Quasikunst were shown and DeckDock, and many more
STWST48 / STWST48x3 STWST48X3 ++

Cine Traktori - The mobile cinema of Collective Traktori on maindeck during and after STWST48x3
Cine Traktori ++

Strom um sieben - New discourse format in Cafe Strom. Martin Wassermair invites two guests four times a year
Strom um sieben Strom um 7 ++ Strom um 7 ++ (2 mehr)

Der Gibling - New Gibling by Johannes Deutschbauer and the community currency continues in 2017 with the collection, curated by Maren Richter Euro to Gibling Gibling Schaukasten neu Gibling Vernichtung und Generierung - Gibling sammelt Kunst 3 Gibling sammelt Kunst 4 Gibling sammelt Kunst 5

All Events New Art Contexts - Events 2017

Versorgerin 2017 - VERSORGERIN 113, 114, 115, 116 - As every year four issues of Versorgerin

CLUB 2017 - Club 2017


Diskreditierung - The year began with a politically motivated discredit, with flaming speeches for the STWST in the Municipal council ended OON ++

Arts Birthday -committed on the Eleonore RIP Bob Adrian X, Arts Birthday 2016 ++

Peter Donke - Danke Donke

Infolab - The Infolab as a continuous format of the STWST Infolab

Nebelballett - Quasikunst-Researchformat in the STWST, Project in STWST-context
Quasikunst all Nebelballett

Purple Haze - Project of Pamela Neuwirth,produced and shown in the STWST as part of STWST48x2 Purple Haze

Deckdock Caorle -New biotopes on the deck dock during the summer 4040 Caorle ++

RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore - AiRs on the ship Eleonore, curated by Shu Lea Cheang
Alle AiRs auf der Eleonore / Alle AiRs 2016
Open Call ++ Christial Liljedahl ++ Xavier Falot ++ Display Distribute ++ Karkatag Collective ++ Eva Ursprung ++ Sarah Grant, Danja Vasiliev ++ Nicolas Montgermont ++ Ryan Jordan ++ Magmadam ++ Enrique Tomas ++

STWST48x2 - NON STOP. NOT COMPLY. - The STWST format during the Ars Electronica 2016, as part of STWST48x2, showed the projects of Infolab, Eleonore-AiRs, Quasikunst and recorded the DeckDock, and many more

Der Gibling -The community currency builds a collection in 2016, curated by Maren Richter
Giblingsvernichtung und Gibling neu/Judith Fegerl ++ Gibling Kunstsammlung ++

Küchentischgespräch - with Philip Hautmann ++

Fog Ballett -in the context of the Long Night of the stages Fog Ballett ++

piksel16 - The digital STWST archive at piksel16 Digitales STWST Archiv ++

Skandal Normal - The Stadtwerkstatt participates in the “scandal” -show im O.K, Offenem Kulturhaus Skandal Normal ++

Archivarbeit - STWST continues the archive work that has begun TV STWST AT ++

Eleonore AiR - Caspar Huetter ++

Versorgerin 2016 - VERSORGERIN 109, 110, 111, 112 - As every year four issues of Versorgerin

CLUB 2016 - Club 2016


Der Gibling - The Community currency MCD/We grow money ++ Der Gibling Subversiv ++ Der Gibling Punkomat ++ Gibling neu/Michael Aschauer ++ Artmart ++

Eleonore / Napon -Lecture by Suncica Pasuljevic on the Eleanor. Napon is one “Institute for Flexible Cultures and Technologies” Napon ++;also Nautic country ++

Infolab -The Infolab as a continuous format of the STWST Infolab Efeu Ex ++

Deckdock DJUDJU - New biotopes on the banks of the Danube during the summer, on the deck dock there were also the Driving Gallery ++

InfoDETOX - AiRs on the ship Eleonore, curated by Shu Lea Cheang
Alle AiRs auf der Eleonore / Infodetox/Air 2015
Bee Frequency Farming/Bioni Samp ++
 Filefound/aTxE & La Pelos ++ Fermentlab/
Agnieszka Pokrywka ++

STWST48 - Crashing the Information in 48 Hours - The STWST format during the Ars Electronica
STWST48 STWST48 2015 STWST 48 ++

Das biomechanische Ballett - or: I like Trees and Human Rights. Quasikunst-Researchformat of the STWST, first projekt in the STWST-Kontext Quasikunst all /Das biomechanische Ballett

Doppelausstellung Max Müller/Michael Hacker - as part of the festival Next Comic Next Comic ++

The Empress Club - presents 2 Years Rap und Hiphop, Workshopsand activities
Workshop Malikah ++ Fotoausstellung ++ Workshop Pumpkin ++ Girls Rock Camp Pink Noise ++

Medienkooperation Versorgerin und Referentin -Beginning of the media cooperation of Stadtwerkstatt-ZeitungVersorgerinwith the newly founded newspaper Die Referentin

Cinema Africain -Cinema in the hall of the Stadtwerkstatt with current play, - documentaries and short films of the African continent Cinema Africain

Ute Kneisel/Illute - Vernissage and concert Ute Kneisel ++

Sonnenwendfeuer ++

Club 2015


Feminismus und Krawall - A transcultural, women's political union on 8 March Feminismus und Krawall

Starting Infolab - The Infolab as a continuous format of the STWST Infolab Das Aalhotel Efeu Ex

Feuer füttern - Photo exhibition in the bb15 in Linz. The comprehensive archive Stadtwerkstatt and private photo collections show the life and work in the Linz “art underground” in the years 1981 - 2004 Feuer füttern

Der Gibling -The community currency
Frühjahrsputz Der neue Gibling von Deborah Sengl Zu Weihnachten Geld und autonome Strukturen schenken

Quasikunst - Beginning of the research format in the context of the STWST, as Text über den Gibling,originally written for the »mcd - Magazine of the Cultures Digital«

The soft, the hard and the wet - AiR on the ship Eleonore, curated by Shu Lea Cheang
Alle AiRs auf der Eleonore Alle AiRs 2014
the soft/Afroditi Psarra the hard/Ce Quimera the wet/Robertina Sebjanic

The soft, the hard and the wet

 - Präsentation. A three part joint performance
 hosted by Stadtwerkstatt on MS Wissenschaft in Sept. Afroditi Psarra, Ce Quimera, Robertina Sebjanic
. Curation: Shu Lea Cheang The soft the hard and the wet

The Empress Club - presents Lecture DJ Ripley DJ Workshop mit Dj Ipek

Treffpunkt Afrika #3 -3 days of music, symposium, film about the festival theme Afropea Now!
Treffpunkt Afrika Afropea now!

Equal Pay Day -STWST participation in Equal Pay Day

Lesung Erwin Riess - Herr Groll und das Ende der Wachau

Eleonore und Dorkboat - Presentation of Illutron Collective Winterhafen Dorkboat

DeckDock - The Reuse” and “Beyond The Water”. New biotopes on the Danube bank a month in December, and a sound environment from Fadi Dorninger Reuse / Beyond The Water

Club 2014


Feminismus und Krawall - A transcultural, women's political union on 8 March Feminismus und Krawall ++

Infolab - The Infolab as a continuous format of the STWST is formed by Franz XaverInfolab

AiRs in Monnickendam - curated by Stadtwerkstatt

Floating Bodies and Spaces - AiR on the ship Eleonore, curated by Tanja Brandmayr
Alle Floating-AiRs Hin&Her ++ Hin&Her Überboard Afloat a Boundary ++ Afloat A Boundary Präsentation ++ und Gäste ++

Fieldworks - AiR on the ship Eleonore, curated by Armin Medosch
Curators Statement Alle Fieldworks-AiRs
Shu Lea Cheang Seeds Underground Party/Shu Lea Cheang Neal White Hayley Newman Hayley Newman Präsentation

Open call for Noise - Ars Electronica Nightline, by Shu Lea Cheang Open call for noise

Die Gedanken sind frei -Exhibition on a construction site fence in the old town of Linz. The exhibition was accompanied from the beginning by destruction and insulting by “Hungary-National”, was removed and last rebuilt in the city hall of Linz
Die Gedanken sind frei Marika Schmied im alten Rathaus

Der Gibling -The community currency thrives
Die neue Community Währung 2nd Edition Kunstwährung als Investition Vienna Art Week

Empress Club - THE EMPRESS CLUB is a new music series by Stadtwerkstatt with a focus on female artists on stage.Creativ writing und Rap Workshop, ua LYRICL Backyard Party @ FdR in Eferding Lecture and Discussion, Feral is Kinky

Equal Pay Day -STWST participation in Equal Pay Day

Lesung und Diskurs - Dialektik im Quartett/Gerhard Scheit Diktatorpuppe zerstört/Lisa Bolyos, Katharina Morawek Herr Groll und die ungarische Tragödie/Erwin Riess

Lesungen und Koops - Lesung Patrik Salmen Lesung Alenka und Katharina Maly Lesung Nadja Bucher Schräge Vögel

Club 2013


New opening of Cafe Strom, nature in the strom

facade project: Ivy Extended

Installation of the photovoltaic system for interior greening

Servus Fest - Operette in 4 Akten - In February 2012, the association servus celebrates its existence for the first time: the large servus opera is listed Servus Fest ++

Artists in Residence-Programme - Horizon on the Eleonore / Linz and in Monnickendam / NL, curated by Stadtwerkstatt
Horizon Horizon ++ Monnickendam

Return - Lectures on the Eleonore Return ++

Floating Bodies -Beginning of a residency series focusing on Bodies and Spaces, curated by Tanja Brandmayr
Curators Statement Floating Bodies ++

Eleonore in E-Moll - by Kurt Hofstetter and Barbara Doser. The project “Eleosonore” focused on the ship Eleonore and its peculiarities Eleonore in E-Moll ++

Treffpunkt Afrika 2 -3 days of music, symposium, film on the topic „Survival of the Hippest? - Urban Art and Culture in Africa“ Treffpunkt Afrika 2 Treffpunkt Afrika ++

Gib dem Feuer keine Nahrung - Brandzinken Günther, book presentatation. One year in the Stadtwerkstatt 1981
Gib dem Feuer keine Nahrung ++

Buchpräsentationen und Vorträge - Herr Groll im Schatten der Karawanken/Erwin Riess Post Nazismus Revisted/Stephan Grigat Extreme Rechte in Europa/Heribert Schiedel Never Ending Story/Luis Liendo Espinoza Marlene Streeruwitz/Die Schmerzmacherin

Filmvorführungen - Roma Memento ++ Space is the Place ++ Atalante ++

Stencil Workshop - with Helga Schager and Oona Valarie Stencil Workshop ++

Der Gibling -The community currency is launched, published by Punkaustria
Der Gibling Punkfiliale ++

Club 2012


Reorganization of Cafe Strom


Offener Brief - Alternatives to silting up the harbor basins of Linz Offener Brief ++

Im Garten - Exhibition participation in the Museum Nordico, excursions Im Garten ++

Bettellobby OÖ Protest - STWST supports the call Bettellobby ++

The Book Fridge - a public book exchange fridge The Book Fridge ++

Artists in Residence Programm Horizon - on thr Eleonore and in Monnickendam (NL)
Biokinetische Dinge/Hans Polterauer ++

Eleonore und Donautik - Doppelspaltexperiment ++ Lesung Dirk Bernemann ++ Donautic bei DEJA VU ++

Filmpräsentationen - Von Hexen und verrückten Kühen/Oona Valarie Schager ++ Hedwig And The Angry Inch ++

Vortrag - Pogrommusik/Gerhard Scheit ++

Liselotte Maier - Exhibition at the Danube buoy, from Christine Pavlic Liselotte Maier ++

Rund ums Feld - Water-Performance, STWST-Support Rund um das Feld ++

Küchentischgespräch - Kurt Hofstetter ++

Eisstockschiessen Wildwasservagabunden

Club 2011


Donautics mobilized against the Linzer port siltation

Faderführung 03 - Musicians read from literary works Faderführung 03 ++

Gespräche am Küchentisch -with Austrian artists or media theorists Armin Medosch ++, Philip Leitner/Garnison ++

Born in Flames - Film screening. Radical feminist classic by Lizzie Borden; from the series antidote Born in Flames ++

AiR Horizon - Artists in Resence on the Eleonore. Artists from the new media and the field of information-processing machines should carry out one or more series of measurements in the socio-artistic or natural sciences field on a ship in the port of Linz AiR Horizon ++

Forschungsboje - Installation of a buoy in the Danube, for continuous series of measurementsBoje ++

Treffpunkt Afrika -3 days of music, symposium, sports, film Treffpunkt Afrika ++

Los Refrigeradores -Movie premiere. Ice in Cuba, a documentary by Thomas LehnerLos Refrigeradores ++

Können wir jetzt endlich mal über Musik sprechen - Workshop and discussion round about women-promoting measures and strategies in the field of music events Workshop ++

Club 2010


Werkstatttage: Neuland - Art context nature. The Stadtwerkstatt and doNAUtik organize Werkstadttage on the doorstep at the danube Werkstatttage ++

Das Narrenschiff -The criminal talent. Prisoners build a ship made of cardboard Das Narrenschiff ++

Conversations at the kitchen table

Filiale Auwiesen - STWST and Radio FRO 105,0 MHz during the Festival der Regionen in Auwiesen: "Normalzustand" Filiale Auwiesen, Bonjour Auwiesen - Eröffnung ++

Gründung Donautics und Deckdock 2135.0 - The interest group Donautics and a newly created department of the Stadtwerkstatt are dedicated to the expansion of their own activities on the banks of the Danube.Play on the 80 meter long danube bank STWST Donautics und Deckdock

STWST Open Air

Club 2009


Hubert Grillberger - 1948-2008 Rest in Peace ++

Homerecording - Workshop.Introduction to recording, production and mixing with a focus on hip hop Homerecording ++

Zigeuner? Waas i nix Workshop - Workshop.Marika Schmiedt's documentary “An annoying society” and Simone Schönett's novel “Im Moos” form the basis of the content. Search for clues and at the same time third-generation forensicsZigeuner? Waas i nix ++

Euroby 2008 - Euroby 2008 -Robot table football European championship On initiative of the Stadtwerkstatt becomes from 19.-22. June 2008 in Linz the Robot Soccer European Championship Robosoccer Association (FIRA).Euroby 2008 ++

Lesung Jutta Ditfurth - Jutta Ditfurth reads from her book »Ulrike Meinhof. The biography“
Lesung Jutta Ditfurth ++

Gespräche am Küchentisch -The Stadtwerkstatt invites guests to kitchen table discussions
Udo Wid, Joachim Baur, Andrea Mayr

Club 2008


Spatenstich 1. März - Groundbreaking ceremony for the beginning of the end of the guest garden season two-year construction site is opened in front of the Stadtwerkstatt Spatenstich ++

Info 2007 - Info 2007

Krummes Jubiläum -The Stadtwerkstatt celebrates 28 years of STWST and a jubilee anniversary two years before the Capital of Culture yearKrummes Jubiläum ++

Medienfreiheit - Freie Medien - Belarus, still the last dictatorship in Europe. Charity event and exhibitionition Stadtwerkstatt Linz .Medienfreiheit - Freie Medien ++

Gastgartenfest -a guest garden party during the Linzfes Gastgartenfest ++

Eclectic Tech Carnival -From 11.-15. On July 7th the “ECLECTIC TECH CARNIVAL” will take place in Linz. The five-day ETC provides women with numerous opportunities to share computer and software skills.
Eclectic Tech Carnival ++

Capture your city - The Stadtwerkstatt settles in three different places in Linz with “Capture Your City” in a mobile workshop. Working and living space, temporary architecture, editorial office, artists in residence and supporting program
Capture Your City ++

Linz von unten - Impressions from the Linz group photo day on 16 Sept (correct: Ars Electronica 2007 / Linz from above)
Linz von unten ++

DJ Workshop - with DJ Dan / Texta. Basic in theory and practice WS 1WS 2 WS 3

Club 2007


Completion of the new Stadwerkstatt homepage. In order not to forget the authenticity of the past projects, here the then new hompage and the homepage before 2006

Filmlectures zu Hollywood Surrealism - Parallel worlds in Hollywood films and musicals.
Filmlectures ++

Into the City -Stadtwerkstatt at the Wiener Festwochen, at Club 5
Into the City / Club 5 ++

Futterlab - with “FutterLab – Anton, Emil, Cäsar” creates the swedish artist Søren Søckebør his Projektreihe: “The Sheepification Of Human Mankind”, “The Global Need For Flock Of Sheep”, “Inflatable Dolly”, “Do Electric Sheep Dream Of Androids” and“Sheep-Ray Refuge”
Futterlab ++ Finissage Futterlab ++

STWST Nightline - Stadtwerkstatt Nicghtline for Ars Electronica STWST-Nightline ++

STWST Video - created by Martin Music STWST Video

Beende deine Jugend 2006- Concert series about youth Beende deine Jugend ++

Plus City - “Just take our plaster and basta!”. Stop-Shop Product Launch Performance Stop Shop ++

Club 2006


Hier entsteht eine Wiese - STADTWERKSTATT / The Village Green Preservation Society.A six-part action series .Hier entsteht eine Wiese ++

Time to Build oder Leben - Starting from the music show “Popspionage” the artists developed Astrid Esslinger and Herbert Schager the Project .Time to build oder Leben ++

Music in the Sky - A manned balloon flight by MARTIN MUSIC. Music in the Sky ++

Imago - Stadtwerkstatt-Projekt for Ars Electronica 2005. A piece for a singer about multimedia representation and reproduction .IMAGO ++

Auf dem heissen Stuhl -The director of Linz2009, Martin Heller, faces the merciless questions of the Free Linzer Kulturszene. Auf dem heissen Stuhl ++

Club 2005


Pozor VYsilani -Attention broadcast, Stadtwerkstatt in Krumlov Museum Pozor Vysilani ++

Offside Kick It - Der Kneipensport- Sport Event fur Euro 2004 in the STWST. OFFSIDE - KICK IT! ++

Fore Golf - Ego Shooter Stadtwerkstatt Projekt for Ars Electronica 2004 fore golf ++

Club 2004


Order installation against the war of Shahin Charmi.
Location: Inner courtyard of Stadtwerkstatt. Location: Inner courtyard of Stadtwerkstatt. Opening: 28.2.20 Cooperation with the Peace Workshop Linz

Series of talks by Peter Arlt in collaboration with STWST and transpublic

Der öffentliche Raum der Stadt - Series of talks by Peter Arlt in collaboration with STWST and transpublic Der öffentliche Raum der Stadt ++

Luxus für alle -Rally of the free Linz cultural scene. SOLIDARITY INSTEAD OF NEOLIBERALISM
Resistance of the free cultural scene against social degradation. The free cultural scene Linz declares its solidarity with the strike movement. Luxus für alle ++

Street TV -TV to touch. STREET TV offers the opportunity to participate in the emergence of television street tv ++

GREENBOX -The city workshop workshop for Ars Electronica 2003. Viva Las Vegas. Life is coincidence.
Greenbox ++

Czech in -Short appearances of Czech art in Linz. Through interdisciplinary cooperation, juxtapositions and comparisons, the artistic works are made accessible
czech_in ++

Excerpt from the chronicle of Stadtwerkstatt 1979-2003


line_in@stadtwerkstatt Musik from eastern Europe. Jänner - Juni 2001. In Cooperation with Susanna Niedermayr, supported by Ö1 Zeitton + KulturKontakt Austria + line_in:line_out

Kinomontag - Cinema Monday in the STWST. A flood of images separated by glass and mixed
Kinomontag ++

Network Stadtwerkstatt - we open - festival for the reopening of the Stadtwerkstatt, 29. + 30.May 2002

Presentation of Stadtwerkstatt art projects at the symposium “A good place - but better than the world” in the Akademie der Künste/ Berlin. 25.7.2002

Fotos Hochwasser 12 + 13. August 2002, Linz/Donau in front of the Stadtwerkstatt

URBAN AFRICA CLUB,to the festival Ars Electronica 2002 - 8.-11. September 2002 A project by Jay Rutledge in cooperation with Stadtwerkstatt, supported by Kapu

bhagfedc - experimental music series (Forsetzung 2003)
Club 2002 (unvollständig)


Stadtwerkstatt Under Construction.On March 13, 2001, the construction work on Kirchengasse 4 began. The house will be adapted for the future.The companies and offices (Stadtwerkstatt, Radio FRO, were temporarily relocated.

Gender Technologien - Juggling Sex, 16./17. März 2001. Symposium zu “Gender/Technologien” mit internationalen ReferentInnen Veranstaltung der FAKULTAET in Koop mit STWST; Ort: transpublic (Alter Markt)/Linz

Hire And Fire - Flying armchairs over Linz. Project for the Festival of Regions 2001. 23.-27. Juni 2001
Hire & Fire + HIRE & FIRE ++

PLATZ.REIFE 27./28. Juli 2001, Altstadt / Old Market Linz. Revival of the Old Market.A project of the Arge Marktfrauen (Petra Demmel, Claudia Dworschak, Marie-Therese Strasser, Sepp Wiesinger) in cooperation with STADTWERKSTATT, freundinnen der kunst, Radio FRO

under construction -Summer row on the construction site of Stadtwerkstatt.

Meatspace - Projekt for Ars Electronica 2001. 2.-5. September 2001
Meatspace + Meatspace ++

Online Gender Game project of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Zurich, in association with various international partners, ia. Stadtwerkstatt.

under construction II - December row on the construction site of Stadtwerkstatt.

Club 2001 (unvollständig)


Aus dem Umfeld Drawings - Stadtwerkstatt 1979 - 1994 Aus dme Umfeld +

20 || 21 - Stadtwerkstatt celebrates its existence.Celebration of the anniversary on 4/4/2000.

CD production with pupils as part of a cooperation project with Kunstuni Linz and Theater Phoenix for the Day for Culture,
5 May 2000. European Day for Freedom of Expression and Diversity.

The sun shines on everyone. Wed, Thu, Sat, 10., 11., 13. May 2000. STWST & * prairie * & Öh Kulturef. Kepleruni presented 3 days and nights of protest. The event was dedicated to Versorgerin #51

Presentation of as part of an Internet art survey ART_SERVER: STARGATE TO NETCULTURE. OK Center for Contemporary Art, May 27, 2000

socialclub - 86/5000
Project for Ars Electronica 2000 in cooperation with the migrant organization MAIZ
socialclub + socialclub ++

Participation in Pax Danubiana, Saturday, September 23, 2000. Kunstverein W.A.S (Graz) and Stadtwerkstatt invited to Linz on the Nibelungebrücke as part of an international art campaign for peace along the Danube.

Salon Sumpf - Hermann Nitsch for kids. Gstanzln with Hansi Falkner. Salon Sumpf ++

Club 2000 (unvollständig)


Stadtzeitung - Developing project with the working title “Prairie”, which was made possible by the jury's decision at the Kupf innovation pot 99.

Participation at “Basistage Linz” (Basic Days Linz), 5.-7. March 1999. Presentation Hauenschild/Ritter and Stadtwerkstatt.

Presentation of ClickScape98 at the conference “Next 5 Minutes”, Amsterdam, March 1999

Further development of the “Parallel Room Display” as a work in process during the exhibition “Space Place” in the Kunsthalle Tirol. April-July 1999. Cooperation project with the Kunsthalle Tirol.April-July 1999. Cooperation project with the Kunsthalle Tirol.

Glasfieber 99 - Project for the Festival of Regions 99 - 29.5.-4.7.1999.
Glasfieber 99 + Glasfieber 99 ++

Presentation of ClickScape98 at the Siggraph / Los Angeles International Computer Graphics and Interactive Technology Conference. August 8 - 13, 1999. Invitation to the panel: Experiential Computer Art, Aug 12th

Bugrace99. Cockroach race in the hall of the Stadtwerkstatt to Ars Electronica.. Daily from 23.00 Uhr. 5. - 8. September. Kooperation with Art&Tek. Realisation: Sportinstitut.
Bugrace99 + Bugrace99 ++
Bugrace 99 - Video Doku Bugrace 99 - Video raw material


Visit by State Secretary Dr. Peter Wittman in the Stadtwerkstatt, 18.2.1998

Ein Satz - Youth in literature for teenagers. Stadtwerkstatt arranges youth literature exhibition in the Stifterhaus/Linz. 22. April - 5. Juni 1998 Ein Satz +
STWST live at days '98 - Berlin, Montag, 8.6.1998 - 21.00 Uhr - 24.00 Uhr

ClickScape98 - Views of Linz. Clickable Public Space, 28.8.-13.9.1998. Each Day from 21.00 to 24.00. Via World-Wide-Web the user of the Website could enter the public space. With mouse click it was possible to manipulate the real view of Linz - pictures, sound and textmessages were interacting directly.
ClickScape 98 + ClickScape Versorgerin #46 ClickScape - Videos
ClickScape Extern + ClickScape Extern ++

Wild Ivy as a part of Clickscape Wild Ivy +

Black Market International in Linz. 16.-20. November 1998. Performance, Aktionskunst, Network.

Netz. Kultur. Österreich.
Meeting of Austrian experts and art/cultural practitioners, among other things to develop and discuss the position paper: "Das Gelbe Papier" (“The Yellow Paper”). An event of “Virtuelle Plattform Austria” and IG Kultur Österreich, supported and organised by Public Netbase t0, & Kupf OÖ (Dec 1998)
Netz.Kultur.Österreich. Versorgerin #48 Arge free frequencies - TV spot

Official start of Radio FRO - Radio Fro was founded out of and with the environment of the Stadtwerkstatt and became an independent association, broadcasting from the STWTS since then. Start of broadcasting October 98. FRO History


Tonga - Expedition in the mountains (Totes Gebirge). Discover Ngoma Buntibe Art. Contribution to the Festival of Regions kunst.über.leben 18.-23.8 1997
Tonga +

Autodrom - Crashcourse Real World/Virtual World, Ars Electronica 1997. 9.-12. September.
Autodrom + Autodrom - Video raw materials


Participation in N5M in Amsterdam / Holland. Presentation of “Checkpoint 95”

Book Presentation + Rolling Art Tournament in KUNSTRAUM Wien.

Gehörlosenkonzil und Gehörlosenrave (Deaf Council and Deaf Rave) in the Stadtwerkstatt

Glasfieber - “Rolling Art Tournament”. Price cones with steel ball on glass cone in the hall of the Stadtwerkstatt to Ars Electronica 1996. Glasfieber Extern

Foundation of - The net culture initiative has emerged from the immediate environment and a project of the Stadtwerkstatt in Linz as an independent initiative. From then the local art and culture scene was connected to the worldwide data networks.


Parallel Raum Display - Completion of the first prototype of the telepresence system
Parallel-Raum-Display ++

Checkpoint 95 - - Stadtwerkstatt project for Ars Electronica 1995. Telepresence TV project by STWST-TV. With Paper Tiger TV and Association of New Screen Technologies. With satellite links the studios in Linz, Moscow and New York are connected live.
Checkpoint 95 Checkpoint - Video Checkpoint - Fotos

Exhibition Stadtwerkstatt in work 1979-1995- in the Upper Austrian Landesgalerie in Landesmuseum
Ausstellungseröffnung - Video Heiligsprechung - Video

Production of the book Stadtwerkstatt in Arbeit 1979-1995 - as a catalog to the exhibition
Buch STWST in Arbeit 79-95


2nd Video Olympiad 1994 in Copenhagen-Gothenburg-Oslo. Invitation to the Stadtwerkstatt to put together the Austrian delegation presenting the unique Austrian media sitation.

Unarten 1 & 2 - Exhibition series
Unarten 1&2 + Unarten 1&2 ++

Vorlauf - Opening ceremony at the main square to 15 years Ars Electronica. Vorlauf + Vorlauf ++

Production Audience Participation of Rachel and Loren Carpenter on the Linzer Hauptplatz

Apres ARS - Adventure House K4, Festival Hangout in the Stadtwerkstatt

3 Stufen zum Himmel (“3 steps to the sky”) - A critical appreciation of aviation, concert for aircraft, engines and explosives on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of Wiener Neustadt, based on the book “Schall und Rauch”

Participation in the Diagonale 1994, world premiere of the documentary STWST-TV 1987-1994
STWST-TV 1987-1994

Award for Media Art - by the Federal Ministry of Science and Art, to Stadtwerkstatt for the work on STWST-TV Verleihung Staatspreis - Video

Schall und Rauch - Concert for Planes Schall und Rauch + Schall und Rauch ++


Participation in The Next Five Minutes, a global gathering of independent video and television producers on Tactical TV

STWST-TV presentation live on channel 5 in cable TV Amsterdam

Fernsehen der Dritten Art (Television of the Third Kind) - A symposium about possible models of free TV stations in Austria. The conclusio was a manifesto Freie Frequenzen - Offene Kanäle

CBB Por Ejemplo. Presentation of STWST-TV at various universities in Cochabamba / Bolivia, all exhibitors became honor citizens of the city of Cochabamba

Initiation of the project “Schall und Rauch” (Sound and Smoke)

Unarten - The acting man and how to keep life alive. exhibition series.
Unarten 1&2 + Unarten 1&2 ++

Participation in the Diagonale 1993 - with “Miniatures” and “Sharp Defocused”
Miniaturen - Video Scharf Unscharf - Video

Contribution to the “Video Edition Austria”, edited by the Medienwerkstatt Wien Classic Video

State Culture Award of Upper Austria for Video Art to Herbert Schager

Talent Promotion Award of the State of Upper Austria for Media Art to Thomas Lehner

State Prize (Government of Upper Austria) for Initiative Kulturarbeit to Stadtwerkstatt

Microwave Link - An experimental setup in search of picture and sound transmission techniques
Microwave Link + Microwave Link ++

Concept of the “Wild Ivy” - an unfinished sculpture on the house facade Kirchengasse 4


Im Teilchendschungel der Wahrscheinlichkeit - The Projekt of the Stadtwerkstadt to Ars Electronica 1992
Im Teilchendschungel ++

Maschinenkampf - (~ “Machine Fight”) Franz Xaver against Leo Schatzl, Direct transmission via videophone from the Voest factory premises (Contained) to Stadtwerkstatt, Kassel and Wien Maschinenkampf - Videos

Der Kandidat - Presidential Chancellery, Traveling Exhibition in Innsbruck, Rohrbach, Wien, Salzburg, Graz Der Kandidat + Der Kandidat ++

Radiolab in the Stadtwerkstatt

Franz Xaver, Kunstlabor (Art Laboratory) exhibition


Studio Obertreffling - On TV there is war. A live footage by STWST
Studio Obertreffling ++

Niemand ist sich seiner sicher - STWST-TV live on 3sat und ORF2 in the context of Ars Electronica
Niemand ist sich seiner sicher ++

Exekution eines Baums - Just Dornetshuber shoots a white poplar in STWST-TV
Exekution eines Baums + Exekution eines Baumes ++

Hundesprengung - Interaktiver Live-TV-Event im Rahmen der Sendung »Niemand ist sich seiner sicher«
Hundesprengung - Videos

Exhibition in the gallery onetwentyeight, USA

“Attwenger”, LP-Präsentation

Radio Subcom. Media Concert

Goldhaube - Fassadengalerie.With golden rescue foil clad facade.
Goldhaube +

Grazer Autorenversammlung, Herbstzeilen (“Autumn Lines”)


Move into the house Kirchengasse 4
Feierlicher Einzug in die Kirchengasse 4 - Videos Old Scool Office - Video
The Roman Kohut Band - Probe Video

Glückwunsch Primavista - Shards bring luck. A symphony made of glass on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the City of Linz
Glückwunsch Primavista + Glückwunsch Primavista ++

Shuffle to Buffalo - STWST TV Live in Buffalo. A total of 12 hours of interactive live TV in the United States on six consecutive days, 320,000 households were artfully blessed via cable.
Shuffle off to Buffalo ++ Shuffle off to Buffalo - Video Excerpts

Gepflegtes Empfangen - Exhibition. Large-format drawings by Franz Blaas on plasterboard, which will be used to finish the roof truss after completion of the exhibition.
Gepflegtes Empfangen + Gepflegtes Empfangen ++

Riegel vor (“Latch in front”). Petersfeuer in the late autumn, Chant on Alt-Urfahr-Ost

Abriss Friedhofstraße 6 - The Demolition of Friedhofstrasse 6
Abriss ++ Abriss Video Abriss - Video


Lichtkrach - A theater with industry, dancing and flexing
Lichtkrach + Lichtkrach - Video

Rauchkuchl - Contribution to the exhibition “60 Days Austrian Museum of the 21st Century”, Wien
Rauchkuchl + Rauchkuchl ++ Rauchkuchl - Video

STWST-TV Trainingscamp at Videofestival “Querspur”
Porno - Video

Die neuen Fliesen - Exhibition contribution on the occasion of the annual meeting of Trans Europe Halles, Vienna.
Die neuen Fliesen und die Nomaden + Die Neuen Fliesen und die Nomaden ++ Die neuen Fliesen und die Nomaden - Videos

2 Hours Radio Stadtwerkstatt in Ö1

Automaten TV - STWST project for Ars Electronica 1989. Another push was made to make live TV Automaten-TV ++ Automaten-TV - Video Ausschnitte


Block 38 Block 88. Literature and film

Tonspuren (“Soundtracks”). 5 evenings with new music: Heinz- Klaus Metzger, Kläring Quartett, Anestis Logothetis, Rosegger Heimat, Patrizia Jünger, Heiner Göbbels, Wolfgang Dorninger u.a.

Schöne neue Stadt - Streit im Quartier - Exhibition, lectures and discussion on modern urban planning using the example of Alt-Urfahr Ost. Five results of planning considerations, scratched in glass.
Schöne neue Stadt + Schöne neue Stadt ++

Parlament Urfahr - Forum of public discussion on topics of modern urban planning using the example of Alt-Urfahr-Ost during the exhibition “Schöne Neue Stadt - Streit im Quartier”.
Parlament Urfahr +

Musikzyklus Tonspuren (“Music cycle Soundtracks”)

Wettergebäude - Stadtwerkstatt project for Ars Electronica 1988.
The “weather building” is a building made of wind and Weather exists. Outdoor installation of wind, water and heat.
Wettergebäude + Wettergebäude ++ Wettergebäude - Video
Wettergebäude Extern + Wettergebäude Extern ++
Previous Layers 2018 Wind Talks To Weather - Versorgerin #119


Concert “Laibach”, New Slovenian Art in Linz

Pölzung - The opening of Pölzung takes place in the context of a diploma examination of the Linzer Kunsthochschule Pölzung + Pölzung ++

Baggerhochzeit - Concert of the main squares construction site. Project of Stadtwerkstatt to Ars Electronica 1987.
The construction site as an art object. A nocturno for construction work and construction noise.
Baggerhochzeit + Baggerhochzeit ++ Baggerhochzeit - Video

Hotelvision - Live TV by STWST-TV at the Filmtage Wels.
Hotelevision ++ Hotelevision - Video-Doku

Wortnetzung, “Literarischer November” (“Literary November”) in Stadtwerkstatt, together with the Grazer Autorenversammlung, Rolf Schwendter, Anselm Glück, Erich Klinger, Walter Pilar


International network work with E.M.A.N, Infermental and Trans Europe Halles

Two-part music cycle Ritonale with Swans, Elliott Sharp u.a.

Wohnen von Sinnen - Bathtub concert at the exhibition Sinnen, Düsseldorf
Wohnen von Sinnen + Wohnen von Sinnen ++

Ziegelturm in Zeitspirale (Brick Tower in Time Spiral) - Construction of a time spiral in the Donaupark Linz, a monument of work Ziegelturm in Zeitspirale + Ziegelturm in Zeitspirale ++ Construction Tower - Videos

Stadtwerkstatt Lecture in lecture hall 1 and installations in the corridors of the Kepler University, Linz Interventionen & Installationen - Video

Prima Vista - Mobile installation in the city, Ars Electronica 1986
Prima Vista + Prima Vista ++ Prima Vista - Video

Trans World Telephone Concert - Musical roundtable around the world: Live aus Los Angeles – Riga – London – Gambia – Melbourne – Bern – Balkan – Djakarta – Budapest – Frankfurt – Linz Transworld Telephone Concert + Trans World ++ Telephone Concert - Video

Zürich 2000 - Warschau BÖ in Zürich: Concerts, films, performances, installationen on occasion of the 2000 year anniversary of the city of Zürich. Zürich 2000 - Video

Facade painting Glühendes Vehikel (Glowing Vehicle), Linz

Video production “The Band” und Inszenierung von Nebenraum, Filmtage Wels Das Band - Video Nebenraum + Nebenraum - Video

Die Bibel irrt (The Bible is wrong) - Performance at the Danube Festival Die Bibel irrt - Video Impression

Block 64. The Rivington School from the Lower East Side as a guest in the Stadtwerkstatt. R.U.O.K.


Aktion Linzer Luft von damals (Linz' Air from that time) on the exhibition “Linzer Luft”

Innviertler Landlermusik “Burgstaller Family”

Musikzyklen Schall-Mai und Welche Zeiten (Music cycles Schall-Mai and What times) - Such music with Arto Lindsay, Cassiber, Blurt et al.

Die Oper lebt (The opera lives). Opera Buffa Democratica in Alt-Urfahr-Ost

Schiff Hissen Zeremonie - A “Re-use” of Leo Schatzl's 1984 art piece, built on the roof of STWST Schiff Hissen - Video

5 Years of Stadtwerkstatt
Ceremonial Act - Video

Hänsel und Gretel pfeifen in die chemisierte Luft. (Hänsel and Gretel whistle into the chemical air) - A concert evening of Stadtwerkstatt with guests in Brucknerhaus. Drei kreischende Dirndl - Video

Frühstück in der Kurve (Breakfast in the bend). Action against the clear-cut

UFL at the Austrian Filmtage in Wels

Video work at FRIGO, Lyon - Beispiel - Video FRIGO

Kollektion Morphil - Treats from individual objects, created from a passion for collecting and idiosyncratic living situations in the artist's quarters in the house Friedhofstraße 6. Kollektion Morphil + Kollektion Morphil ++

Raumwirbel - Installation by Otto Mittmannsgruber Raumwirbel + Raumwirbel ++


Optisches Megaphon - Stadtwerkstatt poster exhibition. Labyrinth of billboards with built-in obstacles and photocells
Optisches Megaphon + Optisches Megaphon ++

Singing Pool - Black Stage, Black Tracks. Black Stage,First Post Contribution to Ars Electronica. Stadtwerkstatt realizes its first large-scale multimedia project. A company in three fields of action.
Singing Pool + Singing Pool ++ SINGING POOL Ceremonial Act Promo-Video Singing Pool - Video Construction Black Stage Black Tracks - Video Construction Daytime Black Stage Black Tracks - Video Construction Nighttime Media Stage Concert - Video

Schiff am First Ship at the First of the STWST house from wooden boards, part of an installation by Leo Schatzl in the context of “Singing Pool” to Ars Electronica 1984
Schiff am First +

Annual program UFL at the Austrian Filmtage in Wels

6 Land- und Musikstreiche (6 country and music pranks). A cycle of local culture

First Fadi-Sampler presentation evening at Stadtwerkstatt


Sgraffito Alchemia - Design of the house facade as a shield against the imminent demolition
Sgraffito Alchemia + Sgraffito Alchemia ++
Sgraffito Alchemia - Video Sgraffito Alchemia Abriss - Video

Event cycle “Tönende Pfiffige Jugend” (Sonic Clever Youth)

Flati Theater - Three world premieres of plays by Gerald Wilhelm aka Flati: “Wechselbeziehungen” (Interrelations), “Das Nachtgespenst” (Night Specter), “Auf der Suche nach dem Glück” (In Search of Happiness) "Auf der Suche nach dem Glück" - Video "Wechselbeziehung" - Video "Die Sau" - Video FLATI THEATER - Info

Charity Office for Flati, Benefit reading for Flati with Walter Pilar, Erich Klinger, Richard Wall, Rudi Leitner a.o.

Hermann Nitsch reads from the “Orgien Mysterien Theater” (Orgies Mystery Theater)

Participation in the exhibition “Wechselstrom”

Escalator Concert. Lentia 2000

Post-Musik (Post-music) at the festival “Töne - Gegentöne”, Vienna

Schlachthof der Träume (Slaughterhouse of Dreams) - Installation by Franz Blaas
Schlachthof der Träume + Schlachthof der Träume ++

Glashaus (Glass House) - Dance theater performance with backdrop of collected old wooden windows, as “Performance on 4 levels” Glashaus + Glashaus ++


The Independent Filmmakers Linz (UFL) present their annual program for the first time

12x2x2 meters 48m2 painted area of students of art college

Fire wall painting (Secco) along the courtyard fire wall

Synopsis of Austrian musicians - ZÖM (not realized)

True Art or Warenkunst, 19.90. Franz Blaas invites you to the art department store Stadtwerkstatt

Concerts of the “Einstürzende Neubauten”, “Downwards”, Konstantin Wecker, …

Participation in the exhibition “Wohnfreiheit”

Lecture by Bazon Brock on the right to exist for independent cultural work
Bazon Brock - Video

Engine room concert at Galerie Hofstöckl


Production of the play “Der Spekulant” (The speculator) of Gerald Wilhelm

Cassette production “Mutterband” (post-music)


Incitement to initiative. Exhibition on the residential street in the Galerie Maerz

Moving into the house Friedhofstr. 6, Linz Urfahr

Solo exhibitions of Linz visual artist

Concert in the tree. Post-music at Forum Design

Presentation of the Film Universities Braunschweig and Vienna as well as COOP London in the Stadtwerkstatt


Foundation of Stadtwerkstatt. An initiative to instigate initiative.

Excerpt from the association's statutes: “The goal is the critical examination of the conditions of life in the city and the promotion of cultural initiatives on a grassroots level.”

Action against the concreting of the Linz main square

Chess the cable death. Post-concert in the basement of Kaplanhofstr. 1