The annual themes and claims were created in the respective years. However, the contents of these flow into the STWST projects beyond these years. Back to the current claim

STWST 2024 KANN WEG / Annual Claim 2024

Annual claim 2024: Let's ask it like this: Was the cleaner who removed Beuys' fat corner in the 1980s actually right? We, the STWST, want to target things that can be removed in 2024. And actually ask what can stay.

STWST 2023 COLD RESISTANCE / Annual Claim 2023

COLD RESISTANCE settles between minus art, tech anarchia, meltdown and climate catastrophe, between the cool criticism of the mind and the resistant world of retreat. Outside: Smash! Inside: Lying in bed and being critical!

STWST 2022 UNTER DEN ZUSTÄNDEN / Annual Claim 2022

Finally, yes, Mesdames et* Messieurs!
We are: Under the Circumstances. MTBA Soon

STWST 2021 STILL MORE VS LESS / Annual Claim 2021

STWST 2021 STILL More vs. Less. With reality we go into extension.
STWST 2021 STILL More vs. Less

STWST 2020 MORE VS LESS / Annual Claim 2020

ANNUAL CLAIM 2020: In the year 2020, STWST has developed the annual theme for the disproportionately tilted worlds or excess and scarcity: STWST 2020 MORE VS LESS.

STWST 2020 STWST48 im Sept 2020:STWST48x6 MORE LESS


Annual Theme 2019: Founded in 1979, Stadtwerkstatt will be in 2019 - 40 years. STWST's annual claim for 2019 is “Stay Unfinished”. It's about looking at the art of the past and the projects of today. It's about history and the present, it's about process, transformation, becoming - it's about looking ahead. We remain unfinished. Against the finished ones.


Question 2018: Is drinking Prosecco already Media Art? In 2018, while Official Linz was celebrating the Unesco City of Media Arts, Stadtwerkstatt proclaimed the PROSECCO CITY OF MEDIA ARTS. A campaign on event culture and the inflationary use of the term Media Art. In 2018 … We were so Prosecco!

Picture: Rainer Zendron - Frühstück in der Kurve.

Lower East Site / since 2017

Working theme 2017:4040 LOWER EAST SITE - a project for urban expansion. As an extension, the Danube area opens up from Stadtwerkstatt to the Salonschiff Florentine, and the whole area will be branded under 4040 LOWER EAST SITE in September for the first time. LOWER EAST SITE is a cooperation between Stadtwerkstatt and Salonschiff Florentine, presented first during STWST48x3. →

No Architects / since 2009

Theme since 2009: No Architects refers to the spontaneous, the wild, the resistant. No Architects is the recurring motto of Stadtwerkstatt, because here is the potential of creativity, for new spaces and projects between art, nature, information and social issues. It is about planning and wild growth, about freedom in ideas and about improvisation.