That's how things look in the brave new world out there:

A dismantling society that still pretends we're rebuilding.

Attitudes that perpetuate political stances that should have been discarded long ago.

A species that abolishes itself and still laughs.

An art circus that forgets its own revolts.

A spectacle culture that creates the cement.

A scene that is preoccupied with its own structures.

Discursive landscapes that cancel slogans that are contaminated.

Let's ask it like this: was the cleaner who removed Beuys' “Fat Corner” in the 1980s actually right?

We, the STWST, want to target things that can be removed in 2024.
And ask: Who saves the art? Who will write the prompts for the future?

If you are interested in contributing something to STWST 2024 on this topic, which is currently still deliberately open, in a form that has not yet been defined, please send an informal email to:, subject: Kann weg. Or: Soll her.

3 texts @STWST annual claim KANN WEG in Versorgerin 141:
Avantgarde kann weg
Kultur als Kitt kann weg
Ende kann weg, Volkskanzler muss weg

In addition, the STWST Art Projects 2024 and various series taking place at the STWST in 2024 will be published here one by one.

The formats taking place will be successively supplemented during the year.

Here is the first announced workshop series, which is definitely not going to go, but has to come:

Noise Meetup Workshops 2024
Mascha Illich and Sophie Ardelt will be active in the field of noise again in 2024.
The first workshop has taken place on 10 February. Several workshops will follow throughout the year.

Feminist*innen lesen Feminist*innen - 8. März 2024
Fiftitu% celebrates International Women's Day at STWST with readings and a DJ programme. Join us.

Pausentage und STWST Fassade neu
Im April 24 gabs fünfeinhalb Schließtage in den Öffentlichkeitsbereichen des Hauses, um diverses neu zu gestalten.

Code of Conduct
In April, STWST set out its most important principles and rules of conduct for the public areas of the initiative in writing.

Danube, Islands, Transformation and Autonomy
On the occasion of their current Lentos exhibition “Donau:Inseln”, Herwig Turk & Gebhard Sengmüller invite you to a live discussion on the topics of the Danube, islands, transformation and autonomy. Initiatives and artists involved with the Danube will talk about their work on 23 April.

STWST at AMRO - Bloodproof of Life, Part Videoproof
STWST will be represented with the contribution “Bloodproof of Life, Part Videoproof” at the Art Meets Radical Openness festival from 8-11 May.

Abriss-Residency auf der Eleonore
Nothing lasts forever, the measuring ship Eleonore has to go. Final residency in May/June.

Der Gibling 13
The new Gibling by Art Discount 24 is valid from 15 June.

Nachtpicknicks statt Machtpanik
Invitation to Nachtpicknicks statt Machtpanik (night picnics!) against the right-wing jolt, against political zombies, espionage persiflage and attitudes that should have gone long ago. The Übergangssenat Nachlassende Dynamik (Transitional Senate of Declining Dynamics) invites to 4 NACHTPICKNICKS on 22 June, 27 July, 17 August and 8 September. Plus music is political. Each time 18:00-02:00 on the Maindeck.

With STWST48x10 NOPE. 48 HOURS OF VARIOUS COMMENTS, STWST announces its 48-hour format for the Ars in September. It takes a critical and lapidary approach to cheerful activism and mood-lit resignation. In the midst of multi-crises, totalitarianism and toxic hallucinations, hope itself becomes a category of struggle: optimism is ramped up - but for what or against whom? N/OPEN CALL with DEADLINE on 31 June.

Die STWST als Schiff - Kriechlicht Das Wesen
2 interrelated works from the STWST New Art Context production: The STWSTas a place of imagination and resistance - we imagine the building as a ship, mooring it to the square. A razzle-dazzle disorientation pattern on the building extends the façade as an artistic display. Parts of the wrecked ship Eleonore lie in front of the STWST on the square - as an explosion installation. A point of light crawls through the house as a creature seeking its manifestation - as a creeping light it pervades parts of the house and proclaims on text panels: The whole is the art. Gesamtkunstwerk not been completed.

Drained Memory Flows
Super-topic: text, AI and large language models, memory can be erased: C.M.H. has created an audio play.

Schlafschiff I-III: Aufstand der Imagination
Superordinate topic: text, AI and the Gesamtkunstwerk: Tanja Brandmayr has developed a mixed media imagination in her research area of Quasikunst and invited the Department of Navigation. Here is just the audio piece Schlafschiff I-III. More to Quasikunst

Wurzel Minus 1 Shop
In his research area Infolab, Franz XAVER created ChatGPT protocols - and developed a root minus 1 shop, which was presented as part of STWST48 NOPE. More to Infolab

Bloodproof of Life, Part Videoproof
The part Videoproof was shown as a continuation of the larger Bloodproof spectacle 2023 at STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN. The Videoproof was then shown at the festival AMRO 2024 - the Lifeblood edition was also released for STWST48x10 NOPE.

Ready to start - STWST48x10 NOPE. 48 Hours of Various Comments will take place from 6.-8. Sept 2024. In 2024, STWST48x10 NOPE once again means forty-eight hours of genre-free art and critical production in the Anti White Cube of the building. STWST shows uncleaned art contexts, performances, brings text transformation and mixes everything with two nights of music and sound. It all ends with a night picnic and media art against the right. COME BY!
STWST48x10 NOPE. 48 Hours of Various Comments. 06. - 08. Sept 2024. STADTWERKSTATT Linz

Tangible Music Club
Koop Tangible Music Lab and STWST: A pilot event of the Tangible Music Club has already taken place at STWST48x10 NOPE in Sept. At STWST48x10, the artists were Merche Blasco and Jonas Hammerer. The Tangible Music Club aims to build a network for sonic arts in Linz, as well as to address the trend towards self-made electronic musical instruments and music controllers in the contemporary music and club scenes. With the expertise of the Tangible Music Lab, the artists and the Stadtwerkstatt, projects will be presented and new presentation formats for new soundscapes will be developed together.

As part of the KAPU's 40th anniversary celebrations, there will be Kapusatelites/Fragments in November, the exhibition is designed as a cabinet of curiosities. One object from the STWST is included. The opening is on 7 Nov and runs until the end of the month.

STWST at Piksel 2024
Piksel is an international network and festival for electronic art and technological freedom in Bergen, Norway, taking place this year between 21 and 24 November. Participants exchange ideas, programme, present art and software projects, organise workshops, performances and discuss the aesthetics and politics of free technologies. STWST is invited to a collaborative Media()Mess.

The STWST at the Belvedere ...
.. for an afternoon on 29 November: As part of the Kazuko Miyamoto exhibition, the Belvedere is tracing Kazuko Miyamoto's connections and relationships to Austria. At the beginning of her career, Kazuko met friends, like-minded people and allies at the Stadtwerkstatt, among other places. There will be a short presentation about the Stadtwerkstatt at the Linz Calling event at the Belvedere.

Kriechlicht Merge, Photo merge: Astrid Benzer, Tanja B