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Strata / clusters / subsoil in all directions /
well-designed opposites / far apart / overlapping states
/ diffuse collectives / abstruse communication /
other material / sometimes depth sharpness /
simultaneous yes and no / welcome to quasikunst.

STWST-projects in Quasikunst mode: Geld / Fassade

Especially Quasikunst projects: Trees / Fog / Iceberg

Quasikunst is systemic-performative research. According to the single project, Quasikunst is a systemic structure, it defines itself as contrast and underground in all directions. Among the increasingly rationally manifested surfaces Quasikunst means: dissociating, superimposed states, diffuse collectives, abstruse connections, other material, simultaneous saying yes and no. Oppositions question contradictions, contexts are extended by more contexts. non-equilibrium, non identic.

All Quasikunst projects: QUASIKUNST

Quasikunst curation: STWST48x2/2016 STWSTx3/2017

Connection zu: New Context Staging

Quasikunst has been around since 2008 conceptualization and/or artistic work of Tanja Brandmayr. Since 2014 research and projects in the context of Stadtwerkstatt Linz.