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STWST 2020 MORE VS LESS / Annunal Claim 2020

ANNUAL CLAIM 2020: The fully balanced ST-W-ST has developed the annual theme for the disproportionately tilted more or less worlds in the tie year 20-20: STWST 2020 MORE VS LESS. With the alternately counted combatants MORE VS LESS we ask in 2020 the relevant questions about the future more-or-less situations, the non-equal areas, the counter-validity zones and the areas of non-zero-sum games. STWST 2020 MORE VS LESS TO COME.

ANNUAL THEMES OF EARLIER YEARS: 2019/Stay Unfinished, 2018/Prosecco City of Media Arts, …

Efeu Ex / 2012 - ongoing

IVY EXtended is an installation on the facade of STWST. The installation means growing nature, water circulation, a steampunk machine, a system of a pneumatic machine, entropy, technology, questions of information and the formular of Ludwig Boltzmann - one of the fathers of informationtechnology. The idea of a technical WILD IVY growing over the house of STWST was already born in 1991, before the internet started to change our lifes with the World Wide Web. After IVY EX Infolab started.

Infolab / 2013 - ongoing


The Infolab is an open laboratory format that Stadtwerkstatt has been running for several years. Infolab is looking for new definitions of new media, art and information. Information is not only important in technology. It is also the engine in evolution. The goal is to look at the concept of information from an artistic perspective. Therefore, Infolab supports art and communication projects in which the concept of information deviates from the information-theoretical concept of Claude Shannon. Infolab has existed since 2012 to ensure autonomy and creativity in a global, rational information society.

Mycelium Network Society / 2017 - ongoing

Mycelium Network Society (MNS) is a Stadtwerkstatt (Linz, Austria) and cycleX (Andes, New York) initiative to connect rhizomic mycelium network nodes. The MNS thematizes mushrooms, spores and mycelia as artistically intended, alternative information networks.
Image: mushroom@cycleX (2019) by Erwin Carl

QUASIKUNST / 2014 - ongoing

Dichotomies, contradictions. Contexts that question other contexts. All Opposites inclusive.
Quasikunst at STWST48x2 (2016) was defined as: „… a research initiative, conceived for Stadtwerkstatt. Quasikunst in its research mode positions itself in Stadtwerkstatts New Art Contexts. And although being apparently “low-tech”-oriented, Quasikunst arranges systemic constants of technology and art. Connection to NEW CONTEXT STAGING

Gibling / 2012 - ongoing
Art as currency, currency as art

The Gibling started in 2012 and is a community currency, similar to a regional currency. On the other hand, the Gibling is an art project on its own. Each year the banknotes are designed by a new artist. In the interplay of art and currency the Gibling is building an own art collections since 2016. Edition 2019: Peter Weibel

STWST48 / 2015 - ongoing

STWST48 is a 48-hour non-stop festival in September. STWST48 presents results from the Infolabs, from formats of Stadtwerkstatts art production, of local and international artists, of Quasikunst, and also the results of the Residencies of the artists that take place on the Eleonore during the summer. The artists are present at the time of STWST48 in Linz. STWST48 takes place parallel to the Ars Elecronica and is carried out with support of the AEC.

STWST48 / 2015 - Crashing the Info
STWST48x2 / 2016 - Non Stop. Not Comply
STWST48x3 / 2017 - MIND LESS
STWST48x4 / 2018 - SLEEP

Deckdock / 2009 - ongoing
86 Meter Riverbank in the Center of Linz - Close to the Nibelungenbrücke

DoNAUtics doNOWtic / 2011 - ongoing

Art after “New Media”.
Donautics is a group of artists, boat people and programmers who are working on and with vessels. Vessels/island have to be intependend and and work autonomously. This vessels could be seen as islands in our global world of information.

Artists In Residence / 2011 - ongoing

Each year we invite up to 6 artists to come to a boat in the Linzer harbour.

Veranstaltungen / ongoing

In addition to music events and readings, various formats are continuously developed and organized in an art context and for current political reasons. Here are some examples: From Pimmel, Porn, Protest to the perennial festival series Treffpunkt Afrika to the ongoing project The Stadtwerkstatt as Public Space. Also a selection of individual events and series in cooperation with STWST Club.

Webshop / ongoing

The Stadtwerkstatt-Webshop is a current “Project” of the Stadtwerkstatt because it is in the revision mode. Nevertheless, find nice things under: